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02/08/07 7:29 PM

#64320 RE: risk_it_us #64317

Why do you say that without knowing the outcome? Your presupposing an outcome that hasn't occured yet. In the world I live in your innocent until proven guilty. If AMEX makes a large number of terrible charges about you as they kick you to the curb, this does not make you guilty. From what I can see so far it just does not qualify as justifcation for an SEC investigation. If you can come up with a reasonable bet, I'll bet not one charge of the AMEX is in the workout items of the SECs audit. They were embarrassed by the noise created by the Russian deal that fell through and they felt they had to do something to prove they as pure as the driven snow. The fact that GlobeTel had to go down was of no consequence to them. So chew on that and point out the fallicy.


02/08/07 8:40 PM

#64327 RE: risk_it_us #64317

risk it Obviously the investigation into globetel was warranted by some action was it not?
Of Coarse it is.
I don't really know for sure if the SEC is really going after Globetel or looking into the market manipulation by the likes of BONY, insiders, naked shorting and the influence of reporters such as Seth Jason. If the naked shorters hurt the company's reputation in an effort to drive it into insolvency they would never have to pay capital gains tax, because they never bought the stock back. With the possibility of another 100 million shares hitting the market it would make it all the more reason and less costly to continue shorting the stock down to near nothing. Now could Caterham Financial Management be behind the shorting? Hopefully the SEC will find out what is going on should this be what they are looking for.

The SEC could also be going after Globetel for the same reasons Amex delisted them, in which the results could be very enlightening. If by chance the SEC finds nothing wrong other then the treatment of reporting assets, you will still have the above to contend with.

The only way for this company to survive is to perform like a good growth stock should and that can't be done with the tiny profit margins of Centerline. Something real big has to happen and happen this year.
No matter how you look at it:
"Naked Shorts don't kill good companies, good companies kill naked shorts"