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06/04/22 10:02 PM

#52290 RE: billpr #52288

Bill, please reread my post. I am very careful and precise with what I wrote. There are not any contradictions in my post.

But I really don’t understand why you will not buy any VTSI shares. Even though I am the worlds biggest whiner/complainer when it comes to Ferris, there is still clearly value here along with a bright future. The macro environment continues to be excellent for what VirTra is selling….police training. Value….PS is likely about 1 using EV and 2022 numbers. PE is 10, less than growth rates.

I sure wouldn’t put all my marbles into it, but a few makes sense.

And in the short term think about all the possible catalysts:
1. Ferris being removed by the BOD.
2. Q4 and Q1 numbers.
3. Big Military contract.
4. Axon buyout.

Are there other stocks that are better right now? Yes. But when one considers reward verses risk and probabilities and history then VTSI deserves a place in a microcap portfolio. Will VTSI trade at some price between $10 and $25 in 2023? I believe with 99% certainty the answer is yes.


06/05/22 7:51 PM

#52292 RE: billpr #52288

Oh Bill, we've shared some comments, few as they are over some years. The only thing I know we have in common is our (you and me) survival as we approach the 80 year mark.... and our supply of Single Malt. . Your opinion of Ted C. is your own and our US Constitution allows you to express it. I respect that. None the less, I am plagued with the fact that we have never had more of a challenge to rise above the corrupt nature of our present gov't administration and the lunacy of it's leadership. Over the years I have continued to hold shares with the belief that intelligent heads will prevail even though it seems so elusive. So, I hold on. Not that I am desperate for the money either. I just like to WIN once in a while. Stay well.
Don N.