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06/03/22 3:42 PM

#32119 RE: microcapbiotech #32112

EXCELLENT analysis of the unsubstantiated, completely rhetorical complaints of certain cynical posters.

I like how you call out their baseless, ridiculous statements and just get more nonsense, baseless, unsupported rhetoric in response.

For example, asking them WHERE they get the numbers to support the childishly ridiculous "99% of publicly traded biotech is just a way to offload BP's cost for research?" ( - baseless, emotion-driven conspiracy theory "thinking.")

AND THEN their response: "Lots of rants. Can't read. OK then make it 75%...50%." . They STILL respond with NOTHING but more baseless, ridiculous estimates - nothing to substantiate their rhetoric. Oh, but how generous of them to lower their completely nonsensical, baseless estimate randomly to "75% or 50%." And we are supposed to take this seriously???

And then MORE complete nonsense like:

1) Consider this.. MRKR.. founded in 1992... in 30 years, 3 decades, has done nothing of outcome value.

2) I think many in MRKR are there for the paid research

3) Phantom became honest with himself and abandoned his posting position.

1 - As if MRKR now is the same company as then - and "has done nothing of outcome value." Just more of the same baseless, thoughtless rhetorical nonsense that shows these individuals simply do not understand how research works, and apparently are unaware of the merger forming MRKR that saved Tapimmune shareholders, and unaware of the time and effort that goes into the research that resulted in the latest dramatic improvements in the T cell production protocol.

2 - "I think many in MRKR are there for the paid research" . . . They just simply > "think" < - which I would say is a gross exaggeration since they offer nothing to support their "think." Apparently they are not aware that the company is made up of highly respected scientist and industry people, and instead everyone involved at MRKR is a grifter (Nobel Prize Winner James Allison is an advisor to a company full of grifters !!!). And it's as if they are unaware that many at MRKR have millions of $$$ invested themselves. Unaware that they have highly competitive careers and years of effort invested and at stake. No, he "thinks" they are just hangers on for a paycheck.

3 - Oh, and low and behold ___He can READ PHANTOMS MIND !!! ____
What is funny is how he blows smoke up our arses to hide his role in Phantom's absence. Saying, "Phantom became honest with himself" - lmao - when Phantom made it clear he was tired of posting here because of a number cynical posters who offer nothing but unsubstantiated rhetoric.