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No big boy conversations here, I see. Just alleged Phantom softball conversations with Vera since we can't seem to get the real thing.
"Preservation of capital" is antithetical to running trials. Stagnating as management drains the cash on salaries is no solution.
Looks like this board is inhabited by the Borg too. Hmm
My only thought is capital preservation at all costs. Do you see how much they are getting in grants. I think they are trying to save every last nickel. If they go for capital raise via stock sale. I would hope it gets offered to retail since we are the major investors.
Or what? I get the sense there's no lead investor here. Some passive institutions but that's about all. I see they launched a lawsuit against management of AlloVir (Rightfully so, IMO) but it doesn't look to be going anywhere.
>> "they better not disappoint",
Howdy Phantom, You said "No reason this shouldn't be fully enrolled right now." I would hope that is correct. The Very Slow enrollment has been my concern for a long time. Which is why in Nov. 2023 I emailed Juan Vera and asked/suggested "As most Doctors know about CAR-T but not Multi-TAA, if we want to raise awareness with Doctors about Marker and their Multi-TAA therapy and it's advantages over CAR-T therapy, have you considered spending some money to advertise with some large size ads in the most prestigious medical journals like JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), The New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of Clinical Oncology? So that they can treat more patients and have quicker enrollment progress which hopefully would lead to a larger amount of positive result data?"
In Jan 2024 I posted a fear here "I think one problem MRKR has all along for any trials is awareness. If Doctors and patients don't know about your company or trials, it's hard to sign them up for it. I hate to say this ... but ... how much of this slow recruiting for trials has to do with both Hospital competition and greed. In other words if MRKR contacts M.D. Anderson or Mayo Clinic and says: "we have this therapy for patients "X", you might want to enroll them in our trial. Will those Hospitals and Doctors recommend that their patients go elsewhere for treatment because they would both no longer be able to charge the Insurance companies for any treatments that they themselves would have given and billed for?? I would hope not, but people are people."
As far as enrollment and data, I whole heartedly agree with you "they better not disappoint", the BS lame excuses got old a long time ago.
...I had hoped AlloVir might takeover Marker but so far nothing. Rather than buy Markers IP they're just burning through their cash. Now down to around $140M. Doesn't say a lot for Marker, IMO.
>>Such a wide-ranging failure of a company’s lead asset always has serious financial implications, and AlloVir said it will now “review strategic alternatives,” including a merger, company sale or divesting assets. The biotech ended September with $213.3 million on hand, it said.
...And, you know what happened next with AlloVir. Sick stuff! Any management attached to that story deserves skepticism.
>>In its third-quarter earnings report in November, the company promised a “catalyst-rich next 12 months” as the company prepared for “a potential 2025 launch” of posoleucel.
Nobody wants to see Vera and whoever else is left try to run more trials. Between AlloVir and Marker it's like a "Now you see it now you don't" magic show. Investors aren't even clear what happened as they watched their cash vanished! Hopefully this Pl result looks good and the IP gets bought quickly, and we're done.
There is nothing left to do but wait and hope.
And I hope great data comes in this month which would be nice given it's a month where the focus is on lymphoma. I think that might just be the tail wind this needs
I would not use timelines for anything. They are arbitrary at best and subject to change. I've seen some sit in an enrolling status when I know the trial is over. It should just be used as a base guide of timelines. Not as full confirmation of if they are still enrolling or not.
All that being said if data is good enough that the FDA gives the nod to move forward it may not ever be fully enrolled.
because i believe im addressing a dummy.
Why a dumb statement.
>>no one is talking about that because it is a moot point. What do you want Vera to do? Hope more people get cancer so enrollment won't have been a problem, as it seemingly is?
no one is talking about that because it is a moot point. What do you want Vera to do? Hope more people get cancer so enrollment won't have been a problem, as it seemingly is?
The company has got their execution wrong from the start. Now they are trying to turn things around. The cell ready partnership starve off imminent danger. Let's hope the pending news is sufficient to put out any question marks for good.
Nobody here is even talking about how much longer they remain on NASDAQ. An OTC move is inevitable unless Vera switches into high gear.
oh boy! what a slip. wrong rhymes with strong. Obviously, i meant data being 'strong.'
oh the shivers!
Thank you. I'm glad you chimed in.
I am with you on the data being wrong. I never doubt that.
What I am really concerned about is that enrollment number. I am not sure how accurate the clinical trials site is but for what is it worth, that is still showing actively recruiting at all sites as of yesterday. So based on that alone, full enrollment has not reached.
That being said, I can understand the difficulty in attaining full enrollment but how about a 1/3 or 1/4 of that.
I do not think that would be too difficult given this has been going on for over a year or thereabout.
When you have stellar data on <10, deep pockets are still going to remain on the fence. We need over 20 here.
If they hit this target when releasing data, cash will come. Hell, we might not even have to dilute. Who knows, the pancreatic trail may be given a blank check.
I kept wondering if Vera and team have this in mind - good enrollment numbers on the back of good data. That's it.
Yes, why wouldn't they share enrollment numbers. That is very concerning. They are struggling. Not to be a party pooper but current shareholders are wiped out if we suffer another delay.
That will lead to more dilution to bridge the delay gap and the share price would get dangerously to sub $1, and when you know what happens next.
Gosh! I can't believe this has boiled down to enrollment numbers. good Lord! this is like starting a business, great product and all but have limited customers. what a situation to be in. and you know what always happen then eh? Someone stop by, picks up your great product for pennies and add it to their already booming business. That is Allovir, by the way. They just dotting every i and crossing the t as we wait.
PS- Are you doing anything different this time around in terms of the questions you ask management and getting straight answers?
I agree with much of what you say and that it should be fully enrolled by now. You're talking about 80 patients, right? My lowered expecting expects 30 but it really should be fully enrolled unless they're figuring out way to improve results as they move along.
Vera has practically no presence and that's extremely concerning.
>>No reason this shouldn't be fully enrolled right now.
I emailed Vera last month. FWIW he said they plan on releasing data either this month or October. Said the trial is progressing very well but they are wanting the data to mature before they present. I pressed for an enrollment update since as of now we only know about 3 patients but was just told that would come with the full release. This is all stuff I would expect to hear.
I still believe the data will be strong but their lack of desire to share enrollment numbers has me worried they are struggling to find patients. I hope I am wrong but either way I think it's a failure on their part to have not released any update on enrollment. No reason this shouldn't be fully enrolled right now.
They are obviously going to need cash by early next year and in a previous discussion with Vera he stated their intention was to do a capital raise on the back of data. This lymphoma data is all they have right now so if that is still the plan, and with the cancellation of the ATM it sure looks like it is, they better not disappoint.
If I'm reading between the lines and taking account all the info I have, I would say things are boring well for the data. That being said I have always expected good data here. I'm just losing faith that Vera and the management team will be able to execute their "plan."
LOL. Talk about lowered expectations!
With 3/3 showing efficacy if they didn't ramp up the other study sites immediately then something is very wrong. We'll know soon enough, OR we may never know if Vera folds.
Really? This is coming from someone who has owned this for quarter of a century.
That would be nice, but I ain't holding by breathe.
If they are reporting results for 21 and It is like that of the 3 we heard about, well, this is going to be good news loooong overdue.
7 locations figuring minimum 3 each, if they're doing their jobs.
With this being Lymphoma month, it is the perfect setting for good data. If the folks at Marker hasn't had this timing in mind to release data, they should get another job, like reporting the weather or something. This would be so freaking frustrating to both delay and report just 6 or so patients have been treated.
Anybody have an idea how many patients are enrolled for lymphoma Phase 1 MT601?
I sincerely hope when the data is released we ain't looking an N being < 12. I mean something around 24 and up would be freaking awesome and blow this out the water.
"Long awaited" and "Phase 1" trials don't go together. You'd better rethink things.
I believe the company is going to share the long awaited MT-601 ph1 data soon and along with it some outlook on future funding.
MAKES NO SENSE to pass on the ATM if you have nothing. See the NIH, FDA and CPRIT payments. Not that easy to get repeatedly... Validates their unique approach?
Between this one and AlloVir does anyone else feel like they're just burning up the cash on salaries?
First of all, with the reverse split that's an illusion. It's far worse than that. You are truly a "Legacy Shareholder", my friend. My Deepest Sympathy. More importantly, what lesson did you learn with this one?
>>Back at under $3 again,
I have owned this stock for about a quarter of a century back to when it was Tapimmune TPIV, that is more than 1/3 of my life. It is and has been one of my largest investments, my average cost is mid teens and needless to say, it has not performed very well. Back at under $3 again, I would like to say:
$2.89. Vera better find a CEO.
I think it may be illegal for potential partners to be given data that has not been released yet. Wouldn't that be inside information?
Not if they sign a NDA(non-disclosure agreement) as part of their due diligence and don’t trade the stock based on the info. provided…
Low $3's again. GEEZ.
I think it may be illegal for potential partners to be given data that has not been released yet. Wouldn't that be inside information?
agreed. We will get the data soon and potential partners have had it a while ago.
MRKR needs a lot more trial success proof before a partner would step up.
Think about the broad possibilities of application of the MultiTAA. HUGE platform
Would such a unique approach get funding by government backed entities if they didnt see anything promising?
Given they passed on the secondary -> i believe partner is coming....
On how many trial patients?
We are supposed to get a clinical update in the Q3 according to the last quarterly update
Is Vera actually running anything? Where're the trials...the data...the hope?
I was kidding but thanks anyway.
I was kidding but thanks anyway.