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06/03/22 4:40 PM

#32121 RE: hanscott #32119

Howdy hanscott, Unfortunately it seems like this board has become ... I made a bad investment, as millions of other people do every single day ... but let me blame everybody else except the one person who was responsible for the decision ... let me point out a hundred reasons so that I can absolve myself from my own decision.

It is funny because I had the exact same response as you did, not only to the reply I got but also from a new post.

The reply, instead of addressing issues with facts, was just more empty meaningless words with no substance.
On the path to learning, it appears that some have not quite made it around the curve as of yet.

The new post, I can understand the frustration because I know they have A TON of money invested.

QUOTE: "I can safely say, that if there were honest IR communication, most would have sold put their position long ago."

It is not like we just woke up and realized this. Same person has said this A TON of times for years, but DID NOT SELL, if fact kept buying more.

SIX Years ago said:
"I have become very disappointed with the companies transparency and a lack of effective communication to shareholders and the public comparing these past six months with the previous six or more months. They have failed me as an investor.
I realize that my 24,000 shares has become not only " dead money ", but eroding investment capital."
But kept BUYING MORE for years. Who's fault is that? the companies? or the buyer?

OK, blame someone else ... it's management, it's Peter's fault.
But yet same person said four years ago:
"Peter is a gifted person and we are fortunate to have his leadership and experience.
I am a emotionally controlled person,but am excited beyond norms."

And yes you are correct that "many at MRKR have millions of $$$ invested themselves."
That matters not ... BAD PEOPLE!!!

OK, blame someone else ... it's the boosters fault, all those people like Phantom who kept telling us they believed.
Like Phantom FORCED anybody to buy anything.

But the same person said:
"At this successful stage of development and results, I suggest the share value should rise close to $40 based on the above and insignificant number of shares."

They have ALSO been a boosters all along, when they said $40 a share, when they said $50 a share, when they said a market cap of 2 billion, when they said a market cap of 3 billion.

No, but it's Phantom's fault, blame him .... and by the way (yes I had the same reaction as you did) ... because I am not a mind reader, I can state unequivocally why Phantom no longer posts.

I will finish with another quote from the same poster:
"To just " wallow" on any message board, is non productive, rather, just " pot stirring ".

I would suggest they take their own advice.