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05/29/22 4:31 PM

#479810 RE: skitahoe #479806

With DCVax-L clearly being the potential new SOC for gbm, I would think the interest to be high.

The list of attendees would be interesting , as it was in NY conference.


05/29/22 4:57 PM

#479817 RE: skitahoe #479806

My feeling is no way we're still going to have the article published by ASCO (which starts Fri. 6/3).

The move to let LL present at NYAS probably opened a side door for dcvax and the trial to be discussed at ASCO not by NWBO (at least not in any public venue), but for non-employee docs like Ashkan to talk - maybe those guys even not in more public venues but who knows how much they can do given LL's slides. No doubt that was the main purpose behind letting the cat out of the bag even without having the article ready for immediate rebuttal, in my humble guess.

That was a huge gamble/trade off; assuming no article out because the company cannot talk, yet ASCO is an opportunity not to be missed as I understand the significance of that industry 'everybody is there' type meeting. Anyway that is my best thinking on why they took the huge risk to the stock of presenting and giving AF and the cabal an open target when the company cannot even publically respond to him. The dynamic with him and the cabal made it hugely predictable that the stock would be hit.
As for the stock action, actually the stock moved from .70 to 1.00 and then super fast to 2.00; imo that is important to keep in mind because NWBO must have put plans in place for the NYSA reveal well before the almost 3x gain from .70 - remember that that gain is a part of the huge disappointment to longs like me who were primed by our knowledge to expect a further run up from 2.00 on the initial TLD mini-disclosure.

In hindsight it did seem like a super dumb thing to do, given the resulting effect on the stock; but not so much if they had put the plans in to get non-peer-reviewed results in the open for possibility for non-NWBO principal investors to speak out at ASCO and for the company itself to meet with lots of various professionals at ASCO in private discussions maybe completely limited to an 'as disclosed by LL' basis, maybe not - who knows what they say in private conversations.

I was as dismayed as anyone, please be sure of that, with the LL-AF-stock fiasco. But LP and LG are NOT idiots. There had to be a method to their madness in setting us all for the perfect storm to crash the stock (very temporarily I hope!!!).