Desert... Why don't YOU call Janet smart arse? You continue to insult mschere and other longs and tell them to call the Company. You sound like Data and ed ferrari; yet neither one of them has EVER shared anything specific or useful here (in public) that they learned by calling the company. NEVER!
Why don't you call the Company yourself and share the answers to your stupid questions with us? Is it because you don't know squat about the technology and Janet would make a fool of you? Or is it maybe because you yourself can't ask the Company anything since they are tired of your emails and griping and various crap posted here and won't take or return your calls or emails anymore?
Why don't you stop whining and complaining and insulting officers of the Company and mschere and other folks on this board just because we have more confidence in our investment than you have?
Just my opinion of course but I think you don't know squat about the technology, nor do you have a clue as to the challenges that Merritt and others face every day in this business. In other words, other than being a very immature and impatient stockholder and lousy option player... you have NO standing at all. Yet you continue to piss and moan and complain here and choose to insult mschere about things that you don't know squat about.
You've told me and others to ignore you... why the heck don't you please tone down the negative complaining and ignore mschere?
Extremely tiring and of no positive use at all.