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03/15/22 12:35 PM

#451421 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

You did not mention TLD date expectation, and only mentioned certification date slide for Flaskworks.
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03/15/22 12:40 PM

#451424 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Great post Hoffmann!!!
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03/15/22 12:49 PM

#451432 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Hoffmann, thank you for sharing the great info. Have a good one. Really mean it.
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The Danish Dude

03/15/22 12:53 PM

#451438 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

You're my main man today hoff!

Great reading.

Just keeps adding to my confidence.
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03/15/22 1:12 PM

#451456 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Hoff, excellent post, great timing.

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03/15/22 1:46 PM

#451489 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

hoffman I learned (shame on me for not having asked myself) about 3d party guidance and counsel. I take you to be saying that this was told to you directly - you are not surmising nor inferring. That is useful and important information and new to me (at least). Your post is quite excellent and timely. Thank you.
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03/15/22 1:49 PM

#451492 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks hoffmann, appreciate your post!
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03/15/22 2:06 PM

#451511 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks for sharing hoff.

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Doc logic

03/15/22 3:30 PM

#451582 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413


Except for the impression you had that they are not trying to time manufacturing with TLD/journal it sounds like I have been singing the same song as them for about 1 year. It may be coincidence but I strongly believe that manufacturing at commercial scale must be close enough to news to launch NWBO into a place beyond the reach of protagonists. Thanks for your post. Best wishes.
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03/15/22 4:26 PM

#451629 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

I like the impressions you got from your talk, They are xonsistent with my hopes for the stock - but, I want more.

I need information I can hang my hat on and not just blind faith. I need for the information flow get muxh more regular as all other small biotechs do.

If the argument for the policy of silence is that the shorts will play and bring down the share price, well that is happening right now any way with a daily decline for the last chunk of time sue to NWBO silence.

I would rather decline having info that reassures me that their is lots of light at the end of the tunnel, rather than a decline while I am holding shares while in the dark based on blind faith that things are well.

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03/15/22 4:26 PM

#451630 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Great post Hoffmann.
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03/15/22 4:41 PM

#451636 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Hoffman: These summary posts are a good service to board members. I keep my own list as a focus to why I stay enthusiastic about NWBO. Thanks for your effort.
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03/15/22 5:30 PM

#451669 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks Hoffmann, great post.

By any chance did you discuss possibility of a presentation just prior to the Journal issuance. Also any consideration of when they'll hold the Annual Meeting and fundraising issues.

I believe that much will come together by the Annual Meeting, I just don't know what form it will take, or how soon, or late they'll choose to hold it.

Thanks again,

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03/15/22 5:46 PM

#451680 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Nice. I believe LP is thinking far ahead. I agree that if it works for GBM, it might also work for other solid cancers.

“Hopes to be a major player in all solid cancers over the coming years “
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03/15/22 9:08 PM

#451736 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thx Hoff!
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03/15/22 9:10 PM

#451737 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

LMAO, are you playing drama?

play role as company representative and play another role as you asking question?

That was all your guess or what? Again, you speak for company again. Nothing formal writing or conference call recording from the company to prove your points are valid.
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03/15/22 9:34 PM

#451744 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413


Slowly catching up on this board and finally made it to this gem!

Thank you, Hoff, I really appreciate worthwhile posts, if not excellent posts, as here, to make working through all the chaff worthwhile! :)

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03/15/22 11:17 PM

#451754 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks Hoffmann. Great post! I do not think manufacturing is holding anything up either. I think they are at a stage where it will be a part of the commercialization process, but if they got it before, for the UK specials program, that would be gravy. The comparability studies at the pre-commercialization stage I believe, are intended to be less complex than they once were, under FDA rules and I believe also at the MHRA.
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03/16/22 4:26 AM

#451780 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks Hoffmann. Very helpful.
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03/16/22 4:49 AM

#451784 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

So you called up the used car salesman and expected him to tell you bad things about any of the cars on the lot!


We are 18 months from data lock. The data is what it is.

FYI the other 450 failed gbm used car salesman will tell you the same crap nwbo just told you!

It's time for tld. Stop making excuses for nwbo.

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03/16/22 8:52 AM

#451842 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks Hoffman, that was a pretty good talk you had. Seems to have touched all the bases. Been away and saw there were over 400 posts yesterday and was wondering what was the reason. Was this it or is there something else? as I sez to myself. I'll find out soon enough as I slog through the messages later today.
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03/16/22 10:05 AM

#451868 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Thanks for sharing your impressions hoffmann6383. I really like NWBio’s emphasis on all or most solid tumor cancers for the DCVax vaccine platform, and not just GBM.
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03/16/22 10:24 AM

#451878 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Wow. It is like having 15 pipelines right there. Why did DI mention this? Hm..would DI mention wanted to be a major player in solid tumor markets if the result was bad…? Hm…
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03/17/22 8:15 PM

#452296 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

hoffmann, your impressions are a pretty good summary, and seem fairly consistent with my own general view. My focus has been on manufacturing and unfortunately, not many clues were provided there. The extended wait for topline and journal publishing leads me to hope that parallel work is being done on a marketing application, and if that’s the case, then it makes sense to develop an automated commercial process to enable production soon after approval. I’ve been back and forth on this subject though, since too often we later discover that Northwest Bio is not as far along as we had hoped. Maybe we’ll get some answers soon.
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Dr Bala

03/30/22 11:40 AM

#455340 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

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Dr Bala

03/30/22 11:50 AM

#455343 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

The most effective shorts are those that go from positive to negative

With the exception of this board.
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03/30/22 9:48 PM

#455517 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Response to Hoff's impressions from talking with a company representative

Quote -

Current leadership
- It isn’t about the money

I have talked to probably the same company representative and will be having one last conversation with them this week. After comparing notes with fellow long-term investor friends that talk to two representatives at NWBO I have decided it is not worth the effort and mental energy any longer - so my last call with them will be a challenge for them if the above statement is true.

If it isn't about the money then why has Linda set up so many companies around NWBO to funnel money from various parts of the process? Below is a list of companies that appear to be somehow related to or invested around NWBO. One could see this as limiting the value of NWBO as these are external to NWBO.

Toucan, Cognate, Advent, Aracaris Capital Limited, Aracaris Limited

If it isn't about the money then why was there a true-up for her and others when the common shareholder did not get a true-up. We had to true-up at our own expense or be diluted.

If it isn't about the money then wouldn't it be easiest for her and the other true-up recipients to just return the shares vs the expense of a trial.

If it isn't about the money then why convert loans from a simple interest return to warrants that could yield millions of dollars.

If it isn't about the money then why not give back all those warrants, options, and gifted shares so no proxy vote for additional shares is required.... thus, shareholders are further diluted or at risk with additional investment to true-up.

I understand there were family members that got both Linda Liau and Linda Powers involved in GBM. However, the only one that seems to be truly altruistic is Linda Liau and her team at UCLA.

I believe Linda Powers is purely about herself wanting to be hailed as the one that got this to the market getting past all the hurdles... mostly self-imposed! She wants generational wealth as seen through all the warrants and various companies she will generate cash flow from. She will not partner with others to move this forward at a quicker pace because she is paranoid from the shorts of the past as one of her excuses, along with Covid and not having resources (funds or people).

If we get past ASCO and have no TLD and top tier Journal article this will crater to the point there will be a need for further dilution as no funds from exercised warrants will be coming in.

She talks "pedal to the metal" but she has talked about the trial being completed in 18 months in 2011..... and 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021...... She got in over her head and is too full of pride to ever state this fact.

One representative stated 1-4 months at three different times last year to various people.... all the 1-4 month windows were different. Of course, attorneys love to hide behind plausible deniability; thus, all the sidebar conversations and no PRs from the company - but they are able to use the shorts as the reason for no PRs not their need for plausible deniability. If they would meet their self-imposed public or private timelines they would have credibility and the shorts would be cut-off at the knees. Instead, they put out high-level milestones (with I bet intermediate steps being added as needed - equals delays) losing credibility.

Many things are out of their control but there seems to be an inability to impart a sense of urgency to others to go the extra mile for current and future cancer patients.

One representative told me I had never worked in this field and do not know the details of what needed to be done in this undertaking. I think it is obvious that Linda, Les, Dave, the SAB, the BOD, and others do not know all the steps either; thus, all the delays as they stumble and bumble their way through this process.

I get that this is a paradigm shift in cancer treatment, many others have failed, and there are many moving parts including regulators (drug and patent) but this has to conclude shortly as many people are dying daily from GBM and every day it doesn't move forward DCVAX Direct is delayed allowing even more people to die! I am tired of seeing friends pass from cancer or go through the current SOC in an attempt to survive.

Sorry for the rant but statements like that "It isn't about the money" is bull squirt when Linda Powers has her hands in so many money pies around NWBO.

In Linda Liau and the UCLA team, I TRUST - In Linda Powers, Les Goldman, SAB, BOD, and the firm not so much.

Will LPowers hide behind covid again and not have an in-person ASM this year? They could do the meeting in a state with fewer restrictions like Texas or Florida. I am sure the ASM will be around June 18th as they will use the full 13 months allowed.

Feel free to throw stones and give me crap but after 9 years being invested, 18 months with data lock, and no TLD yet I believe I earned the right to rant occasionally.

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03/30/22 9:57 PM

#455522 RE: hoffmann6383 #451413

Probably about 1% of this is the company representative. The rest is repeated here every week.