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03/08/22 11:44 AM

#449566 RE: biosectinvestor #449563

Lol. And alarmists always seem to use an alternative set of "facts."


03/08/22 12:36 PM

#449598 RE: biosectinvestor #449563

I do the opposite, I have 6 grandchildren and have a basket of worries for their future. One of them is not how CO2 will affect climate. Because of my grandkids I have studied the subject deeply and have elminated it from my basket. My basket though does include all the wasted spend and awful policies that will continue to come as a result of such a false narrative as man made global warming being blindly accepted by so many because it feels good. Of course we move to alternative fuels over time and it is exciting to see. But, the lack of focus on the science on this subject is amazing to me. It is the science that should be the subject of debate and the only way man made global warming wins the debate is by eliminating and censoring the scientists who do the real scientific work, but that strategy is reversing. One simple example of thousands is climate scientist Michael Schellenberger, like many a former climate alarmist, now a pragmatist who advocates for nuclear energy and a measured approach since no emergency exists as he has come to understand.


03/08/22 12:57 PM

#449611 RE: biosectinvestor #449563

When has the common good prevailed over the political and industrial elite nowadays?


03/08/22 1:26 PM

#449626 RE: biosectinvestor #449563

Innovation is the key, not regression. That's how we've solved other crises, and the proportions of what many claim this one to be will only be solved by innovation and breakthroughs.



03/08/22 2:57 PM

#449661 RE: biosectinvestor #449563

Like any other progression of technology...

If Government would get out of the way and let Free Enterprise work, we could eventually reduce/replace carbon fuels.

You can't regulate your way to be free of carbon fuels. That's will never work because it depends on technology. And technology advances faster/better when it is left up to Free Enterprise.

Renewables are struggling because of storage (battery) technology and transmission limits for just two examples. Regulations can't speed this up.

Most people want to be able to travel more than 250-300 miles before they have to re-fuel. And they want to re-fuel within a few minutes...not hours...or even half of an hour.

Just one man's opinion...

KG ;)