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03/08/22 10:32 AM

#449530 RE: RobotDroid #449527

Talk about humanity. Ukraine only proves this kind of thinking doesn’t care about humans.

We all want clean air. I am no different from you. But reality sets in to temper the madness of rushing to a utopian world. I am for all of the above ground energy sources when investment makes it viable. I am not foolish enough to think we can change the tides because the moon moves further from the earth every year by a centimeter or two. I am willing to try and change the weather but not at the expense of total economic or warring extermination.


03/08/22 10:40 AM

#449533 RE: RobotDroid #449527

First of all the earth is not doomed. The US produces the most environmentally clean oil and gas. We have reduced our carbon footprint over the past 20 years. You can't flip a switch. Petroleum is involved in much more than gasoline. BTW, the oil and gas industry has invested more in clean and alternative energies than any government. Have to get there in an intelligent way. And, why is everyone willing to crush the US economy when none of the other major polluters in the world are doing anything to make energy cleaner?


03/08/22 11:20 AM

#449551 RE: RobotDroid #449527

I do not think no one at the top cares, but the challenge is regular people need energy that is affordable enough that they will vote for the politicians who will one day change to new technologies, which does not happen overnight. People do not have long memories. They are motivated by emotion and the moment. Every 4 to 8 years they maniacally bite the people they voted in last time out and the other guys in to undo everything that was just done. They think, stupidly, this is just good politics because that is what the guys out of power tell them and the media is just a reflection of all the nonsense that I BARDA them.

So one minute we regulate, the next minute get rid of it all, then we redo it… it leads to very slow, frustrating progress. Our system to some degree was engineered this way, to change very slowly. When we were an agrarian society mostly, that seemed like a great idea. We are now a technologically driven society and economic and social change come quickly now, but our system tends to not adapt as well in this environment.

Until we decide what to do with that, the problem is not just “politicians”, it is US. Voters are confused and are messed up by the way our system works and their votes are constantly scrambled such that the majority views often do not become policy because small interests hold outsized power.