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03/06/22 3:21 PM

#448941 RE: HappyLibrarian #448937

And sometimes good enough is unacceptable. Anyone who has worked on under-resourced projects knows that when safety and quality can not be compromised, it’s usually the timeline that suffers.


03/06/22 3:30 PM

#448944 RE: HappyLibrarian #448937

This can NOT be “good enough”. You may not have been here to watch as we got shorted down to nothing like a falling elevator. Does NASA send a rocket into to space without perfection? We have all seen what happens when things aren’t perfect with that. Well with this rocket the everything and everyone must be in synch!!! Only then will we have blast off. LP knows this, big pharma knows this (probably one of them helping us get to perfection..MERCK???), and most of us LONGS know that. This is why I try to be patient, though it is so very difficult. Best to you.