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02/15/22 10:21 AM

#370660 RE: marjac #370659

Thank you Marjac. Amarin responsible for this.


02/15/22 10:22 AM

#370663 RE: marjac #370659

Thank you sir, I solute you!


02/15/22 10:24 AM

#370664 RE: marjac #370659

Thank You For Your Significant Efforts Marjac

to fight a broken, corrupt, and efficient patent system

I really blame the US Government for all of this

since a patent from the USPTO should be legal and without challenge


02/15/22 10:24 AM

#370665 RE: marjac #370659

We can only thank you for your efforts.
Good job.


02/15/22 10:25 AM

#370666 RE: marjac #370659

Great effort Marjac and your team..... we will always appreciate what you folks did.


02/15/22 10:29 AM

#370668 RE: marjac #370659

What costs are involved against the appellant?


02/15/22 10:30 AM

#370670 RE: marjac #370659

Thank you for your efforts, Marjac. You gave a helluva fight, so no regrets.


02/15/22 10:31 AM

#370671 RE: marjac #370659

Thank you Marjac for your help and tireless work.. you’re the best brother!! God bless you always..


02/15/22 10:37 AM

#370675 RE: marjac #370659

Tremendous effort on your part Marjac
Thx for taking on this challenge


02/15/22 10:46 AM

#370678 RE: marjac #370659

Marjac, A sad day 'again' for Justice in the USA.

You cant have help asking, why have the Orals, if the whole thing is in fact are just a Charade - covering up for an 'already decided ruling'.

You did everything right . and is still Denied - not even given an explanation - in face of your endless hours of work on the case.

Have to be honest - to me 'after this' US justice system is a complete FARCE - a bad joke and embarrassment on decent people like you' who actually tries to follow the Law.

We all know you did everything possible, and then some. to 'get through the system' and gain justice.

In the end an impossible task - we have learned !

Sadly - Alm were right in his first assessment.

Truly a sad day for Justice in the USA.

In every sense of the word - A Rotten' - some would call it Corrupt - System.

This is no better than Putin's Russia.


02/15/22 10:49 AM

#370679 RE: marjac #370659

Marjac, I’m sure this has to be a big letdown for you after all you put into this and the brilliant performance you gave before the judges. I disagree with their decision but most of us viewed it as an extreme long shot from the beginning. You exceeded my expectations and got us in front of an appeals court with a chance. That’s all any of us could have dreamt for. Unfortunately we drew a tough panel. You’re a good man and a very talented attorney. Thanks to you and your team for the outstanding effort and vast amount of time everyone donated to it.
Much respect!


02/15/22 11:01 AM

#370680 RE: marjac #370659

Hey Marjac, thank you for all you have done! You did a brilliant job! It was a tough battle going in. We all knew that. Though the facts were on our side, it was a huge long-shot to get a win. If Amarin ever recovers from upcoming events. Me (and the dogs) still want to contribute to your efforts. Been worrying days in our household with the losses. I hope for all of us still invested that Amarin does recover with the new insurance tiers, combo pill, etc.


02/15/22 11:06 AM

#370683 RE: marjac #370659

We were victims of a very bad circuit court ruling and we took matters into our own hands to right the wrong. It was a herculean effort with a potentially big pay off, but heavily stacked against us. I can't say we failed because we did the very best we could do given the odds. Thank you Marjac, you gave us hope and the best possible effort. Now all that is left is to wait and see what magic Denner can work. Marjac, my greatest thanks to you for a job well done.


02/15/22 11:14 AM

#370687 RE: marjac #370659

Marjac, you were brilliant and we are forever grateful for your efforts


02/15/22 11:15 AM

#370688 RE: marjac #370659

Thank you and your team for the tireless efforts you all put forth


02/15/22 11:45 AM

#370694 RE: marjac #370659


All that you say is true none of us I am sure want to throw in the towel

However what if you succeed … ??would you want to take it on ??

How much for scotus funding ??


The Canes

02/15/22 11:51 AM

#370695 RE: marjac #370659

Thanks Marjac for your tireless preparation and efforts. Also thanks for pointing out who the real culprit is our beloved Amarin management. Dr. Denner needs our undivided support to send management packing. I'm lending him any and all support he needs. Look at the bright side our stock didn't take a hit.


02/15/22 1:00 PM

#370709 RE: marjac #370659

Marjac, respectfully, I can not find any plausible justification such as controlling the calendar and finality of Judgements as a proxy for giving fraud priority at any cost. A man sits on death row for 10 years, and later evidence is discovered that shows the prosecutor falsified evidence that was relied upon to convict. But, wait, in the interest of preserving the order of the courts, we'll just have to sacrifice the innocent victim as collateral damage for the greater cause, protecting the system.

John McGreevey received his PHD from Hopkins in the field of biochemistry, and an emphasis on bioweapons. He is a 25 year FBI intelligence agency veteran, who came out in late 2020 as a whistleblower. He is now running for a Senate seat representing Maryland. He said, he has first had knowledge, including hours of tape recordings, finger prints, as well as other evidence to the following: Rod Rosenstein and his dirty tricks squad out of Maryland HQ were single handedly responsible for capturing and compromising 25% of the Fed Circuit Judges using blackmail, often fabricated, and various unspeakable horrific tactics.

How can anyone believe the rule 36 wasn't called in by the bureaucratic Mafia with this information in hand?

I listened to your oral arguments 9 plus times. There's no way honest judges would knowingly take a pass on Fraud. They should have taken your second option. These people are heritics. Rule 36 is convenient, because they had nothing meaningful to write against your solid case, which was fully, unequivocally, supported by case law.



02/15/22 2:11 PM

#370729 RE: marjac #370659

You gave it all you had Marjac! Certainly made Amarin's legal team look like a bunch of JV second stringers. Amarin should be embarrassed that it took someone like you to take the swings at the system.

This company (Amarin) has no fight left in them. They got run over by these generics and never got up off the turf.

Does anyone at this company have any strategy to combat this? It's time they get someone at the helm with some creative strategy. Find out which statin most people are on and do a partnership for a single pill or something. They need to figure out a way to make this unprofitable for these generics. They need to lead them right off a cliff. There has to be some other strategy other than to just sit there and take it.


02/15/22 2:14 PM

#370730 RE: marjac #370659

marjac, there is plenty of blame to throw around but none of it is with you. Thank you for your valiant effort to right the injustice that Hikma, Judge Du, and ultimately Amarin caused their shareholders.
When I look for the main cause of the entire disaster, Amarin is the guilty party. Their total ineptness is beyond belief.

Thanks again!

Robert C Jonson

02/15/22 2:35 PM

#370736 RE: marjac #370659

Damn! I haven’t felt this angry since the election was stolen!


02/15/22 5:52 PM

#370775 RE: marjac #370659

No one could have worked more harder and more dilligently than you. And I too will continue to suport your future efforts in every way possible. Heartfelt thanks my friend. You are magnificent!


02/16/22 1:38 AM

#370811 RE: marjac #370659

Dear MARJAC, I am saddened that we did not prevail on Friday. I however am thrilled that you stood for the Law and for the shareholders.
The whole world saw the state of injustice in our courts!
I certainly hope that Doctor Denver and others have carefully listened to the Rule 60 hearings on Friday and noticed the deafening silence of the Amarin’s leadership, and it’s cowardly BoD.


02/19/22 6:11 AM

#371154 RE: marjac #370659

Marjac, Here some days after the 'Rule 36' killing of nearly 2 years effort - thousand of posts - impressive spirits in funding etc:

A quate from your imedeate reaction to the bad news:

You can all thank Amarin's management and legal team for the merits not being reached. If they had filed the Rule 60 motion as was demanded, these issues would not have presented obstacles to the Rule 60 merits being heard.

Looking at it today - we could have Amarin' and UN and Nato endorse the filing - it wouldn't have made any difference.

The corruption in AP Court - placing the same to democrat appointed Judges in your Orals hearing - this case were 'doomed all the way' - newer stood a chance. Neither for Singer - or for You. I truly doubt they even fully read the Briefs.