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12/01/21 7:38 PM

#423201 RE: MI Dendream #423200

Well done MI -- that pretty.much covers "it!"
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12/01/21 9:28 PM

#423213 RE: MI Dendream #423200

I was quite skeptical on many of the arguments regarding SNO, and we went back and forth with vigor on various issues. On the issue of the bags, I do respect your opinion though I had no knowledge of your background. I did look into it and so did a few others I know who are capable of getting some general and excellent legal info on the subject.

I agree with you that there was a change in their approach to the bags from previous bags and that the bag seems to fit into the safe harbor. I do not know the specifics in terms of whether there is a specific measure of “soon”, whether 6 months or what, but I believe you identified a very real question and seeming hint that is not intended to be a hint to investors, but is just an extremely subtle change under old FDA rules that are allowed to continue. And I do expect that “soon” likely would have a meaning in the interpretation of such rules, I just did not delve that far and the broad advice on the internet from many sources did not go into that detail.

That is a long way of saying, that after verifying myself, I changed my mind and believe you. When someone changes their mind after a clear back and forth with skepticism (and being clear that I am not one who deals with the FDA or it’s rules, so just giving an ordinary person’s opinion), I think it comes with a stronger sense of agreement. Though again, I can’t verify detail on timing, it is a real thing and the bags did seem to me to fall into the safe harbor. People as legally sophisticated as this team do not change such a bag to fit into such a safe harbor, in my opinion, without intention to utilize that safe harbor, and the previous bags I saw as examples further confirm it was a distinctly made change. I of course could be wrong and this is just my personal opinion. All IMHO.

Thanks MID! You gave me some highly specific information of which I was previously unaware. I knew they had to engage in any marketing, broadly defined, with great care. I did not know if this old safe harbor. Bags at a trade show, I would have thought are probably somewhat constrained, but had never thought to what degree. Your comments made me look into it and opened my eyes to just how narrow the rules are for these companies.
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12/02/21 8:42 AM

#423274 RE: MI Dendream #423200

Hey MID!

I thought you made your last post on this subject a few posts ago. ;D

I kid, but on a serious note I do very much enjoy your posts. You often bring up original and interesting viewpoints.

First some general comments to your post. I had to read this thing twice. There is so much to unpack here! You start by stating you received a PM but give no details as to the content of said PM. Then you go on to restate your bag logo argument and give some color on your legal experience and finally you have a full paragraph disclaimer at the end. You also hint somewhere in there that we might have crossed paths professionally or maybe I worked for you. You also ask if I'm hiding behind an alias and to call you. Yet, you provide no number. I'm guessing here, and in my profession I do these all the time, but your post sounds like a cya (cover your ass) letter to someone you think might be a disgruntled coworker or someone you have crossed paths with, i.e. this was your personal opinion surrounding the tote bag and not you giving legal advice. Let me address this first.

I don't ever get into my personal life on message boards but I can guarantee you I've never worked for you and it is very unlikely we have worked together in any capacity. I'm a self employed professional (that is the most personal info you will get out of me). I believe you might have stated you are a physician? My professional interaction with physicians consists of them writing me reports and some additional interactions post report. Whomever you think I am, I am not. Disclaimers are not necessary with me.

Now back to the tote bag argument. I think we are in agreement that the correct way to analyze the coming soon argument is to (1) identify the specific rules and regulations in question, (2) do case law research on how said rules and regulations are enforced by the FDA and (3) finally compare and contrast our facts to the cases in question to attempt to ascertain how the FDA would treat the tote bag in our case. You state that you have talked to attorneys, you are very confident in your position that this is a coming soon ad and then you tell me to do my own research. Let me remind you that YOU are the one aggressively pushing this theory with full confidence. I'm only pointing out that I wouldn't take so aggressive of an approach when you have not done steps 1, 2 or 3. If you have done these steps please provide this information rather than aggressively making these coming soon arguments without a basis to do so then asking others to do said work.

I want to think your coming soon argument is correct. That would be amazing news. Plus, that means the time frame from TLD to meaningful revenue is short which I've always thought is the best way to deal with a manipulated stock. No slow drip of news. Drop a bomb and release all great news at once! I hope you are right but with such an optimistic read of a legal matter I'm going to be very skeptical. Dont take any of my comments personally.
It's in my nature to be skeptical in these situations. Here's to hoping you are right!