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11/17/21 11:02 AM

#418423 RE: JRIII #418414


What that statement tells me is that the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

That is what everything that has happened in the last 4 years has told you.

Website down - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Delisted during off hours - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Interim data shows signs of efficacy and no side effects - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Linda Liau didn't actively promote DC-Vax during a speech - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Stock price dropped 3 days in a row - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Advent applied for Sawston certification - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

NWBO purchased Flaskworks - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Warrant holders exercised expiring warrants - the trial failed but they are desperately trying to find some way around it, some way to salvage 16 years of a colossal f--- up.

Just comical. It is like having a Magic 8-Ball with only one face.

Gus McCrae

11/17/21 11:08 AM

#418427 RE: JRIII #418414

BTW, I heard from someone I know who owns a lot more shares than I do and they said they just filed an official SEC complaint against the company for withholding material information. I doubt the SEC will be interested, but just the fact that NWBO has been in the SEC crosshairs for so long might spur the SEC to at least make a phone call. And if that happens, who knows where it might lead.

I don't doubt this...I was giving them until this last 10-Q to update their risk factors and other provisions of their disclosures that cannot be accurate today if they are in possession of TLD, not to mention what they know about manufacturing and various regulatory issues. I still might make the complaint.

With the warrant holders being permitted to exercise their shares slowly over the course of the last year while they are "in the money," LP and LG are looking at jail time if TLD isn't good enough to support the share price...because they will have known that this would be the case since last fall when they changed course all of a sudden. That actually gives me some comfort, since I don't think they want to go to jail, and they have to know how bad the optics are of allowing warrant holders to cash in (and provide financing for the company) while they know that the trial results aren't going to support regulatory approval, or even if they might not support regulatory approval. Are they unethical, yes? As attorneys, they have to know that their current disclosures are not in compliance with SEC rules and regulations. Are they criminals? That remains to be seen.

The Danish Dude

11/17/21 11:52 AM

#418441 RE: JRIII #418414

.... who owns a lot more shares than I do ...

That is a pretty close analogy to being Joe Biden and voting on Trump, or the other way around.

The trial failed, known for six years and yada yada yada and btw ... I got some shares. Well of course you do.

And can't you next time write "Everyone - 1"?

I believe there might be one or two more on this board, that does not buy into your apocalyptic doomsday prophecies, who just doesn't agree with the panic version of yours.

During data lock, we've received a lot of info about the trial. It has been confirmed 4 times, as well as in Q10's, what the process is. It shouldn't be a secret, that this consist of six phases getting to a publication correlated with TLD. It was announced BEFORE data lock, before being unblinded.

After data lock we've had info about required patents. About buildout of Sawston. About MHRA certification being almost in place. About Covid taking a toll on the acitivities.

We've received information entropy equaling positive TLD, by NWBO having offered Kristyn Power a manager job and her taking it, while attaching uplisting consultant number two Tamara Kondic.

Both her and Bruce Poignant, second uplisting consultant, got acquainted in february 2021, when they worked together on getting Core One Labs uplisted.

That piece of info hit in July:

You just don't attach two uplisting consultants of this caliber 6 months into data lock and especially not as part of a cover up.

We have received about 20 or more positives during this quiet period.

They are not getting rendered useless, just because time passes and a 95% identical Q10 filing enters the windows.

Pure panic.