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11/03/21 6:49 AM

#53804 RE: Johnny_C #53803

And it was progress and it was news 6 weeks ago when it actually happened.

"So, if 18 months is normal how long do you think it will be until the patent is issued?"
I didn't say "normal. I said "routine", as in "by law".

No idea how long it will take until (or if) a patent is issued.
Lets wait and see what the inspector has to say. Remember, we're talking about a CEO who couldn't even secure a trademark and that should have been a cakewalk.


But there are 2 NEW Trademark applications on file...for Tauri-sun and Tauri-_____ (something else)....that haven't been seen by an inspector yet (so they aren't DEAD yet). And they have their own little tricks to them, at least the Tauri-sun version does and I haven't looked at the other but expect it has the same flaws:

An application was filed. 15 minutes later a second Tauri-sun Application was filed which included the required owner phone number (2024149249) that had been left out of the original. They had to put a number on the application but the one they used isn't Tauriga's (It's SUPPOSED to be)! Whose is it?
The Application also requires an email address for the trademark owner. The form was filed with "XXXX" in the space provided for that address. Tauriga doesn't have an email address? Swifty the lawyer knew that wouldn't fly so he included the following footnote:
"Requirement for Email and Electronic Filing: I understand that a valid email address must be maintained by the owner/holder and the owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, and that all official trademark correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)."

Does he really think that that solves the problem?

The Patent application process is orders of magnitude more complicated than the Trademark process and Tauriga has yet to show that it can even get that incredibly simple task done. I see two more DEAD's on the TAUG Trademark list in Tauriga's future.

"how long do you think it will be until the patent is issued?"
If their Trademark pursuit is any gauge there's a good chance that a patent will never be issued, but in the case of a patent it can take a long, long time to find that out. I think my guess is solid but as long as the money keeps flowing a patent attorney can drag things out for years. Lets see what the Inspector has to say (when he stops laughing).

ps. "I remember some Bozos thinking no provisional patent was applied for, and even that an actual patent application was never filed."
Memories can fail us (I know mine does sometimes). Do you have links to the posts where those assertions were made?


11/03/21 11:46 AM

#53805 RE: Johnny_C #53803

The patent is following the normal pathway at USPTO.

USPTO transaction history from USPTO portal:

Transaction History
Date Transaction Description
09-24-2021 Email Notification
09-23-2021 Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
09-23-2021 PG-Pub Issue Notification
08-22-2021 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU

The key item is the patent application has been assigned (docketed) to an Examiner. It usually takes several months for an Examiner to review and respond. First response is always a rejection notice. Then an iterative process working around any "prior art" the Examiner references in a rejection. Patent issuance can takes months or years depending on the complexity of the review/response cycle with the Examiner.

The claims are very well presented as both a composition and method. The Examiner will probably require a split of the composition and the method which is not an issue and only strengthens the IP since the potential is to be issued two patents. IP attorneys write the claims this way knowing it will be split by the Examiner (Patent 101 by attorneys).