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TAUG: SEC registration revoked.
After watching rip-off artist CEO Seth Shaw in action for nearly 10 years, I wouldn't get within a 100 miles of investing in anything this clown is promoting! Since taking over as TAUG's CEO in 2012, he never once missed a single monthly paycheck. With this in mind, Shaw personally pocketed well in excess of a million investor dollars, And guess what. Proving to be nothing more than a serial conman and/or completely inept, CEO Seth Shaw managed to bludgeon TAUG's shareholders by failing to deliver anything close to a viable business opportunity.
AS a "former" shareholder I would agree with that. A lot of promises were made and never fulfilled IMO
Damn! I have been AWOL from IHub for several months, but decided to check on some of my favorite OTC criminals. It looks like one of the Top Ten has finally bit the dust. Is there any sort of claw back CEO Seth Shaw's sheep (investors?) can use to chase even a miniscule part of the millions they donated to support Shaw's comfortable life style? Hell no! Shaw should be ensconced in a criminal preceding, rather than an SEC administrative action. Remember when Shaw got whacked for was using an alias to attack we truthers here on IHub, then got whacked again for doing exactly the same thing? At the very least Shaw is a serial liar! There is a good teaching moment in all of this! OTC investors must always be wary of slugs, like Shaw, who are pocketing millions on the backs of the shareholders, while said perpetrator has little to no skin in the game!
Thanks for your continued vigilance.
These frauds need to be publicized in the same venue that offered people the opportunity to talk them up, especially since the responsible parties (in this case CEO Seth Shaw) are typically serial offenders.
Shaw issued a PR announcing his purchase of a large number of shares months after he stopped issuing SEC filings for the Company and never filed a Form 4 reporting his own purported purchase, so we don't know if he really made that purchase or if he still holds the shares.
If the SEC was as vigilant as you are people like Shaw might find it a littler more difficult to repeatedly take advantage of uninformed investors.
MAN WAS I NAIVE. LOL 6 years ago. Seth, get a real job.
TAUG: SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials: (Dec. 2021)
Oh my! TAUG now has a current TOTAL Market Cap of $3489. It would seem the Company has no assets. Let me see if I got this right! Slime Ball, CEO Seth Shaw, collected a handsome monthly paycheck every single month for over 10 years by way of the benevolent TAUG investors and never once delivered even the slightest return to these same investors. The list of Seth Shaw business failures borders on incomprehensible! And he remained the TAUG CEO! Shaw personally walked with in excess of $1.5 million in various forms of compensation, but his very naive "believers" got crushed, while Sethie was living the high life, including purported "business trips" to various parts of the U.S. and Europe. Can you say "immoral unethical scam artist!" Shaw's good buddy Keith Berman of DECN fame is heading to jail. Hmmm...should Shaw be joining him?
Sadly, the stock stopped trading and not a word from Seth regarding what happened. How can the SEC allow such a fraud to happen? I understand completely that a penny stock is a huge gamble, but we at least deserve a detailed explanation why our investments and trust in him has failed and an explanation has been NIL!
Deader than a doornail, but conman Seth Shaw probably continues to pocket his compensation!!! Samo, samo! Despite no business, Shaw has personally been banking a substantial pile of shareholders' funds for over 10 years! Actually, TAUG's "independent" Directors should be sued for ignoring their fiduciary obligation to TAUG's investors!
"I see they aren’t even reporting anymore. "
Just late is all :o)
$.0001....nowhere to go but up!
So true. But some of us tried to tell people… oh well. LOL
Is little Tommy G still on the ‘board of directors’?
I looked back over the news and got a big laugh out of the PR about attaining 9000 e commerce orders…
Then it took a couple months to get another 1000 orders so they could issue another PR about having passed 10,000. Booming biz! LMAO
Thank goodness TAUG had their investment in VTGN, right?
Oh… wait…
Funny how their ‘consultant’ was claiming VTGN would go to $9 after the trials… Oopps!!!
Sometimes I miss this, but mostly NOT.
I am glad that you and Loan are still around to be a thorn in Seth Shaw’s side.
Shameful what he has done.
I see they aren’t even reporting anymore.
That’s pathetic.
They're still neck and neck for the crappiest companies in the OTC:
TAUG $.0002
DECN $.0002
Looks like it is at 0.00 a share
Whats going on with this garbage management has really screwed everyone over !!!! Can’t believe this is sitting at a half a cent , Seth you really did a number on shareholder …
It is now over 3 months, since the laughable CEO Seth Shaw announced personally acquiring 1,500,000 TAUG shares, but still no SEC Form 4 filing. What is this clown trying to pull? Shaw publicly committed to filing the Form 4 the week of the stock purchases, which reportedly took place during the period May 5 - May 9, 2022.
New York, NY -- May 9, 2022 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) (“Tauriga” or the “Company”), a New York based diversified Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical Development Company, today announced that its Chief Executive Officer, Seth M. Shaw, completed an insider purchase for 1,500,000 shares of Tauriga Sciences Inc. common stock (quoted on the OTCQB - symbol: “TAUG”). This Insider Purchase was completed between the dates of May 5-9, 2022 and a corresponding Form 4 will be filed this week.
Ah yes! The investors have gotta love it. CEO Seth Shaw has now stiffed the shareholders for two quarters in a row. Shaw has chosen to ignore a CEO's fiduciary obligation to regularly apprise the Company's owners, the shareholders, as to the financial condition of the Corporation.
The 2022 Annual Report is long past due, but now the Q1 2023 report is nowhere to be found. Of course Shaw blamed these failures to report on the complexity of the regulatory environment. This flimsy excuse is most interesting, given little has actually changed since TAUG's quarterly reports for Fiscal 2020 and 2021 were filed, as required by the SEC. Yes indeed, it is complete BS!
No one, aside from the insiders (and most likely Shaw's lender buddies) have the foggiest idea regarding TAUG's financial health. Here's a thought! TAUG is so deeply in the toilet, Shaw cannot scrounge up enough cash to pay accountants and auditors to produce the quarterly reports.
How many shares of the financially crushed Vistagen (VTGN) is TAUG still holding? Oops....nobody knows, because the investors have not seen a TAUG Balance Sheet since the quarter ended December 31, 2021. The VTGN shares lost nearly 90% of their value in one day a few weeks ago. If TAUG was still holding the VTGN shares, it was a multi-hundred thousand dollar hit to the Company's Asset line.
Financial guru Seth Shaw is joke! The amount of investor funds that Shaw has trashed chasing hugely speculative "opportunities" has been obscene. Shaw views himself as a financial wizard; however, as a consequence of his oft proven lack of acumen and thorough due diligence, the TAUG investors have gotten creamed by idiotic business decisions for the last 10 years! Seth Shaw has pocketed roughly $2 million in compensation, while the shareholders have been treated to watching Rome burning on a daily basis!
I've only seen an amended lateness notification once before and the end followed shortly thereafter....there were no further shareholder communications.
Maybe the consultant knows something. He's still active, just not here. Wallpapering with warrants maybe.
Put the wishful thinking on hold, step back a bit and have a good look at this thing. It's total crap.
Ok I’ll do that
A Form 4 filing is required IF he actually bought 1.5 million shares. The only possibilities are:
1. He didn't and the press release is fraudulent.
2. He did and his failure to file the Form 4 is evidence of his crookedness and/or incompetence.
The stock price has fallen 96% since January of last year in spite of plenty of news.
Put the wishful thinking on hold, step back a bit and have a good look at this thing. It's total crap.
Not sure, the stock price will fall with zero news
Per the TAUG PR and your post: "Chief Executive Officer, Seth M. Shaw, completed an insider purchase for 1,500,000 shares of Tauriga Sciences Inc. common stock (quoted on the OTCQB - symbol: “TAUG”). This Insider Purchase was completed between the dates of May 5-9, 2022 and a corresponding Form 4 will be filed this week. "
The market price during that period ranged from $.009-.02. The prices he actually paid aren't known because HE NEVER FILED THE REQUIRED FORM 4. WHY?
Is he crooked, incompetent or both?
A thoughtful, fact-derived response. Thanks!
Is TAUG shipping CBD-laced chewing gum from its e-commerce site in violation the Federal law, i.e. selling ingestible CBD? Best guess, I think not. So what is the business development issue? Again best guess, few know about the product and/or its value proposition! Welcome to Marketing 101, i.e. visibility and demand creation. Check out the marketing gurus/consultants Shaw has engaged, then check out how much money Shaw has spent on these folks! Good marketers are not bought for pennies! If Shaw's salary instead went to marketing, TAUG might actually be making some headway!
Can TAUG survive another year under the CEO Seth Shaw's reign? Not only is TAUG hugely under-funded, but Shaw obviously doesn't know jack about basic marketing and new product due diligence, plus the regulatory entanglement in Washington D.C. isn't going to improve anytime soon.
IMO, your response nailed it! Contrary to the oft stated opinion on this TAUG Board, there will be no Federal cannabis legislation in the foreseeable future. And surprise, surprise...CEO Seth Shaw will continue pocketing his gross over-compensation on the backs of the TAUG investors! Samo, samo...just like it has been for the last decade!
“If the product is for sale on Amazon or like sites, it is assumed the product is legal.”
Not with drugs imo, the vast majority of the public will refrain from shipping CBD/weed related products until legalization.
The hemp/CBD industry is in limbo until the Feds clear a path to allow retail sales of ingestible CBD products; topicals are allowed but that is not how people need to use CBD on a regular basis. The industry is a year away from potentially major growth. However, the caveat is that Congress will need to be the body that does the heavy lifting, and we all know the certainty of that happening, maybe 50/50(?).
Just this week, work started to make hemp/CBD a major component of the 2023 Farm Bill. The 2018 Farm Bill opened the door a crack, but FDA proceeded to close the door with their dithering. Hopefully Congress can work around FDA to get CBD "legalized" (emphasis on hopefully).
And imo it’s time to start reinvesting any money he collected monthly back into the company
The consumers are the buyers who want clarity and trust in a regulated industry.
And imo it’s time to start reinvesting any money he collected monthly back into the company, the trend is towards legalization.
The more States that legalize the more chance at federal legalization same as same sex marriage, the consumer is confused about the legality of the industry in general, CBD weed and hemp etc, and their relation to State lines currently, even if you aren’t. The consumers are the buyers who want clarity and trust in a regulated industry.
I just noticed TAUG's 52-week high is .07. Today the shares are trading at 1/10 of the 52-week high, i.e. .007. Needless to say, investors are far less than enamored with CEO Seth Shaw and his laughable operation, as the share price has plummeted by 90% in just the last year. How 'bout that ineptly marketed CBD-laced chewing gum?
Does Shaw EVER do any due diligence and/or actual market research? Of course the one thing CEO Seth Shaw does do is never misses a monthly paycheck. It's been going on for 10 years! Shaw has pocketed well over $1.5 million, while the TAUG shareholders have gotten slaughtered by Shaw's whims of fantasy.
What does State-regulated marijuana have to do with TAUG and it's legal NON-MARIJUANA chewing gum???? 19 States, including California, the most populace State in the nation, plus Washington D.C., have already legalized recreational MJ, but even this has done little or nothing to support TAUG's CBD chewing gum business. So how will more State marijuana ballot initiatives in 2022 have any impact on Tauriga Sciences? I believe the referenced poster has already answered the question in previous posts. It will have no impact....right?
There is value to buy Taug because the price of Taug might be lower than any manufacturer’s price....