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Dr Bala

10/08/21 5:36 PM

#407893 RE: Astavakra #407891

Excellent stuff regarding your smart kids. Hope you had a great time in St. John.

Doc logic

10/08/21 6:09 PM

#407905 RE: Astavakra #407891


Your part in this saga may not be written in any book but being a part of supporting a life changing treatment for those with cancer and being blessed with returns that will be a blessing to others will leave a legacy your kids and grandkids will remember.
I remember my grandfather talking about his investment over time in AT&T from the 1930s on into the 1980s and my Dad’s terrible time with a certain mutual fund in the 1960s and early 70s. Dad finally got straightened around on investing and with his business, for which he was well qualified, to end up doing well. I should have looked for investing advice from them because that would have helped me early on but decided to try to figure things out for myself in the biotechs because I enjoy science, discovery and looking for gems and cycles. That took some time to understand but has led to being able to understand the science, market forces and business and discovery cycles better than many but no where good enough to be good at investing without some revelations that I can honestly say had nothing to do with any skill of mine.
Anyway, I enjoy sharing what I have learned with others including my kids and friends to try and help them escape the pitfalls and get to the reward by not loosing confidence in good due diligence by many when the inevitable challenge of being patient and controlling emotions comes. Your story and example to your family will help them too. Blessings and best wishes.


10/08/21 6:25 PM

#407911 RE: Astavakra #407891

Perhaps Tuition play will work for me. Visiting IU next week with son and have UC Boulder in future.


10/09/21 10:59 AM

#407995 RE: Astavakra #407891

Astavakra, congrats on your patience with nwbo - 11 years is a long time, hope it pays off for you. I am in a little less than 7 years but watching longer. Had my speculative $ in AVNR until December 2014 and was very happy when they were bought out at 17 per share at that time. It paid for university for both my daughters and was able to buy them a nice house 1 mile from the school and provided funds for my next speculation stocks including nwbo. From listening to the ceo and Bosch and Liau's works sure never thought we would be nearing the end of 2021 and still waiting. Hope for 2021 to be the year but will not be too surprised if it goes into 2022. Hope to at the least hear an update of where they are in the process by year end but who can tell. After many years of buy and hold the last few years I have been trading 10 to 20% of my position so making a little $ but nearly all those trading shares are back in hoping for some results this quarter
Good luck hope your patience is rewarded


10/09/21 1:59 PM

#408048 RE: Astavakra #407891

Astavakra, That’s such a funny and happy-outcome story on your waiting 11 years for LP.
Any others?
“My wife got an award as a top investor for timing the market. 11 years ago she told me to don’t see a doctor until after LP releases the TLD.” - Rodney Dangerfield impersonator


12/01/21 9:40 AM

#422954 RE: Astavakra #407891


History has a way of tracking us down. We are getting ready to send our first off to College next year and perhaps timing will be good to assist in her endeavors and perhaps not. Thank goodnees we started a 529 plan when she was a little.

My wife recently reminded me of how I spent the better half of a day back in 2014 while in Paris (suprised her with this trip for our Anniversary) anxiously waiting for an NWBO PR on HE Program reimbursement that LG had said they would be announcing. Hell, I thought the trip would have been paid for but alas...there never was such a PR:-(

Good to see I'm not the only one whose kids IQ's have surpassed this ole' man who still tends to watch a $.10 swing in a stock with intensity of a bird dog:-)

GLTA and wake me up when this over!!