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05/01/21 1:14 AM

#337946 RE: marjac #337944

I am looking forward to your response.
Thank you for your fighting spirit.
Down but not out!
So awesome.


05/01/21 1:56 AM

#337947 RE: marjac #337944

Marjac, Sorry for the set back, but I’m sure it is not a daunting roadblock to the righteous and strong willed group that put together the superb rule 24/60 briefs. The problem is we are facing a lazy and incompetent judge. In her original ruling she virtually copied Hikma’s briefs to render a erroneous decision and here she took the easy way but erroneous way out by denying the rule 24 petition on a timing issue, and a weak reason at that. Marjac keep up the good fight and you can count on me to help in any way I can be a positive contributor.
The briefs were so well done I was sure there was now way this pretend judge could realistically duck coming to grips with the issues. Wrong again.


05/01/21 2:30 AM

#337950 RE: marjac #337944

Marjac - Your persistence in attempting to "right this wrong" is admirable. Your work is top notch. Unfortunately, the Judicial System (specifically Judge Du and Judge Dyk) have not performed their jobs in the spirit of the laws written to protect business and encourage continued scientific advancements. Judge Miranda Du is providing weak arguments to achieve what many of us perceive to be her social agenda as a SJW. A lazy Judge Du (and Judge Dyk) have now caused much damage to the health system and science. She/he does not have my respect. You are legendary in my mind. Let's hope you ultimately triumph.


05/01/21 2:36 AM

#337951 RE: marjac #337944

I agree entirely with you that she has been incorrect to rule that this was not a timely application
The earliest point in time to have made the application must be from the point where the fraud or the mistake was revealed - up to a point of12 months after the judgement - for after that point in time no such application can be made - the civil procedures set this as the cut off point in time
Now if the fraud and mistake were known a month after the judgement - but were not litigated until 364 days later then there could be a basis to find it was not timely (even then it would be the circumstances that dictate )

Timely is dictated with a 12 month cut off point after judgement but does not apply until the obviousness of what is asserted became known where the court has ruled based upon to serious error or fraud


05/01/21 5:20 AM

#337957 RE: marjac #337944

marjac@ Thanks once again for you spirit in fighting for Justice.

I'm sure every investor in Amarin/AMRN worldwide support you all the way in what - no matter how it ends - will be probably 'The Case of your Life'.



05/01/21 7:36 AM

#337961 RE: marjac #337944

Thank you Marjac for continuing with this. We are all indebted to you - especially Amarin.


05/01/21 7:39 AM

#337963 RE: marjac #337944

Marjac, I would expect nothing less. To quote a final line a professor
left with his students, "Don't let the bastards get you down!" In this
case I would have to use the singular of another B word, but I'm sure
we all get the drift.


05/01/21 7:56 AM

#337966 RE: marjac #337944

Many thanks Marjac.


05/01/21 7:56 AM

#337967 RE: marjac #337944

Marjac...Now that the rule 60 case is being appealed, is it legally feasible for Amarin to join in some way to assist in the appeal?....i.e. with an amicus brief or an assist with the finances or additional information or staff help...After all, it is also their interests as well as the interests of the shareholders that you are fighting for.


05/01/21 7:59 AM

#337968 RE: marjac #337944

marjac, thanks in advance for the continuing effort. Du says untimely. I say maybe the timing is perfect. In reviewing the case, I am expecting that at least one SC clerk reads your denied motion, adding further context to the unjust Du ruling. The more light shown on this case, the better the odds the case is granted cert.


05/01/21 8:51 AM

#337973 RE: marjac #337944

Thank You Marjac

for fighting on behalf of Amarin and its shareholders

against the terrible politically corrupt USA legal system

You are probably correct that the decision is riddled with errors

but we will all continue to see it doesn't matter

since the system is so very corrupt

On the flip side of the coin,

Judge Du will be (or is being) rewarded for her efforts

We will probably all see that in the future as well


05/01/21 9:15 AM

#337981 RE: marjac #337944

Totally agree....I would be embarrassed if I was in Du’s position....the Judge makes it clear that her number one priority is not justice, but instead its the convenience of Hikma/Reddy’s. Not once does she have the courage to address the real issues brought to light, instead she goes on and on about her digressional privileges like they supersede the purpose of the court and it’s OK if you lie and deceive the court as long as you get the original win....

Justice is too inconvenient for Judge Du. (We have suspected this has been the case all along.)

Her decision is unfortunate for the entire Nevada Federal Circuit.



05/01/21 9:53 AM

#337985 RE: marjac #337944

marjac, again my many thanks to you for your tireless efforts and formidable statement of law. Right versus wrong and I appreciate everyone (LB, HK, BB, raf, CaptBeer) and others for their efforts.
I have a healthy heart, but these jolts from 3/30/20 and since are taking a toll.
Thanks again.


05/01/21 10:15 AM

#337988 RE: marjac #337944


Again thanks for your efforts But why are posters saying it was timing when this is her conclusion ? It states the arguments will not change the outcome

TIA Michael

The Court notes that the parties made several arguments and cited to several cases not discussed above. The Court has reviewed these arguments and cases and determines that they do not warrant discussion as they do not affect the outcome of the motions before the Court.
It is therefore ordered that EPA Drug Initiative II’s motion to intervene (ECF No. 401) is denied.


05/01/21 10:58 AM

#337992 RE: marjac #337944

I applaud all of your efforts on this case to date.

Unfortunately with Amarin's experiences in the US court system it's very diffucult to be optimistic.

Personally I thought Nevada was a bad choice for the case to be heard in the first place. The outcome proved it. And with that outcome it was hard to believe that this so called judge would do anything but deny no matter what was presented to her. Her self righteousness is obvious.

Only another entity will be able to deal with her biased position.

I do not trust much if anything in our court system. It's set up to assure the wrong sides win.



05/01/21 11:59 AM

#337999 RE: marjac #337944

Mar-Jac, Sorry about another DU denial, they just keep rolling in. What a dirtbag. If she dealt with the truth and law she would have given permission to proceed with Rule 60. I despise that woman. Keep up the fight!


05/01/21 1:05 PM

#338005 RE: marjac #337944

Just now seeing all this. Thanks again and heartfelt appreciation to all those who tried to further our cause. Regardless of the "outcome" I don't feel that this effort was in vain. Often we don't see the effects of our efforts on the timeline continuum until much later. Keep the faith.


05/01/21 1:27 PM

#338006 RE: marjac #337944

You are an amazing person with incredible smarts and resilience...I have nothing but awe and respect for you..thank you


05/01/21 2:32 PM

#338012 RE: marjac #337944

Marjac is the man - I sure admire your attitude, I hate quitters. dudu is a lowlife and you're trying to fix it.


05/01/21 2:38 PM

#338013 RE: marjac #337944

Mar-Jac, how many times can your appeal?


05/01/21 3:04 PM

#338015 RE: marjac #337944

Thank you for your hard work. The height of incompetence Judge Du displays is scary!
1. You should have intervened before I rules because my mind should be read by others
2. When there is a window to file in 365 days, filing it any time before that is i timely.
Even if it is filed with in the legal time window, in my court room all plaintiffs should file appeal before filing the actual case. That is how the world works.
3. I have never seen anyone this disconnected from reality.
Just one request.

This is a lot of hard work. But I would urge you file the appeal ASAP instead of the 30 day deadline.
If your team could file it in the coming days that would show Judge Du that she needs a reality check on her understanding and interpretation of law.

I think she was the one who ruled on the sec case with Tesla. Her logic in that case shows that she should be in kindergarten and not on the law bench


05/01/21 3:31 PM

#338017 RE: marjac #337944

Give em Hell marjac.


05/02/21 1:26 PM

#338084 RE: marjac #337944

What seems weird to me about Du's ruling on rule 24/60 is what she did not address.

She went in great detail to explain why it's untimely and doesn't have standing. So she clearly spent plenty of time researching the subject.

What she failed to address is the crux of the entire filing: fraud on the court.

I understand her logic: because you don't have the right to file, I won't address the substance (fraud).

But I don't know how a reasonable person, who has done so much research, simply ignore such bombshell accusation. Marjac wasn't making some technical accusation, he said FRAUD.

Did Du go into a see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil mode?


05/03/21 7:13 AM

#338160 RE: marjac #337944

Unfortunately - this is not about rule of law. It is a battle of political influence.