I'm frankly not knowledgeable about the use of the Flaskwork device to make our vaccine, but on Investors Village I was advised by a knowledgeable poster that the regulators wouldn't simply analyze the product of producing the vaccine using both methodologies and approve the use of the Flaskwork device. I was told that a new clinical trial would have to be run to prove the vaccine from the Flaskwork was as effective as when done the way it currently is made.
While I believe that there should be an easier way, I'm not certain the FDA will agree to accept that they could try making it both ways and making a scientific determination that they were essentially identical.
I do not know for a fact that the Flaskwork device was not used in the trial, if it were, it may be proven, but I don't believe that's been the case. If a trial must be run, even a small one, it could take years to validate the use of the Flaskwork device.