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02/26/21 10:39 AM

#358046 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Glad to see you’re still here IkeEsq and a nice rebuttal. All these “concerned” posters showing up to help walk down the price. So far down to 1.36 and not as low as 1.30. Guess people smartened up and removed their stop loss orders.


02/26/21 11:13 AM

#358069 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Greatest Of All Time posts. GOAT. A bleat to beat 1,000 oinks. Maaahh!!

Poor Man -

02/26/21 11:25 AM

#358083 RE: IkeEsq #358042

At this point, the bread crumbs are everywhere. The CRL acquisition was a very significant indicator that this stage is coming to a close.

How strong TLD is anyone’s guess, but it’s almost certain to be successful enough as not to leave any doubt. There’s just too much investment and lining up of resources by the stakeholders.

If the trial failed or the results were far below expectations, then how do you explain everything else they have been doing? Why rush the completion of Sawston? Why buy Flaskworks? Why gear up for production of a treatment that will never be approved? ]


02/26/21 11:35 AM

#358088 RE: IkeEsq #358042

IKE!!!!! It's great to see you!!!

Hopefully you won't need to construct another novel of questions to bring in front of our favorite leaders at ASM in lovely Bethesda, Maryland.

I feel like that was yesterday, when in reality, it was about 800 yesterdays ago!


02/26/21 11:37 AM

#358089 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Awesome post!


02/26/21 11:48 AM

#358091 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Great response. Maybe that will deafen their noise for awhile.



02/26/21 11:58 AM

#358094 RE: IkeEsq #358042

You tell him Ike! :)


02/26/21 11:58 AM

#358095 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Great post. It won't shut them up but great post nonetheless. GLTY


02/26/21 12:56 PM

#358118 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Nicely and, I believe, accurately and appropriately said.


02/26/21 12:59 PM

#358120 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Well said Ike.

Good response to the nonsense floated around nwbo.


02/26/21 1:09 PM

#358123 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Well said - when one steps back and takes into account the bigger picture the targeted criticism defied common-sense.
Thanks & GLTU Ike


02/26/21 1:31 PM

#358134 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Why rush? Is that what this is...rushing? Other biotech companies have built facilities in a year. Nevertheless, Powers and Toucan will make a great deal of money if they can get Advent up to speed for Advent's sake. Again, gearing up for dc production does not equate to DCVAX approval. We know German clinics and other places are using dc's already.

The reality is everyone except legacy common shareholders have already made a great deal of money, even without approval.

The company has in the past flooded the market with many rosy PR's and statements that ultimately never held together. Now they have the SEC looking around at something so...

You should be able to see the kind of cash warrant holders have and are making through shorting and pumping all these years, but you refuse to see it for some reason.

Many biotechs have run decades long trial with leading oncology practitioners and have either failed or even vanished. Again, failure of this particular trial will be devastating for common retail shareholders but not so much for management, as they can continue on with DCVAX private use and building their privately owned manufacturing facilities.


02/26/21 2:13 PM

#358141 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Great post IkeEsq.
Thanks and GLTU

Dr Bala

02/26/21 2:16 PM

#358143 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Great post. Thanks.


02/27/21 2:56 PM

#358352 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Great post IkeEsq! I am curious about your one statement below:

There are plenty of possible reasons for not disclosing the data, including a partnership deal, a buyout, waiting on publication in a medical journal,

If the company has all the TLD, our understanding is that they can keep it confidential, as one option, until a release via publication in a high level medical journal.

But you also mention "including a partnership deal, a buyout....". Wouldn't either of those options require release of material information (TLD) to all shareholders/public first?

I can see how a TLD and then publication in high level med journal could increase the chances of a much stronger partnership value for NWBO. Thanks for clarifying as my knowledge on the legalities of these issues is limited, and I appreciate those with legal backgrounds to help us out!


05/27/21 10:33 AM

#381211 RE: IkeEsq #358042

thx ike!


05/27/21 11:33 AM

#381216 RE: IkeEsq #358042

See, here is the problem. You completely misidentify what most NWBO skeptics are saying. I'm not aware of anyone who has said NWBO is a "pump and dump" scheme. Why would anyone call a 16-year-old trial a pump and dump? Does that make any sense at all? No, it doesn't, so the fact is, you start your argument from a false premise.

I, and others, have speculated that NWBO from time to time has used certain public statements to pump the share price, usually right around the time of a cash raise, to allow lenders who have been paid in warrants an opportunity to quickly cash out at a nice short-term profit. The evidence is there, like it or not. Go back and look at statements made by the Investor Relations employee and the timing of those statements, especially his comment that an upcoming ASM would be so "interesting" we wouldn't want to miss it, and he and CEO encouraging shareholders to travel to the meeting from all over the world. These comments were highly unusual and, of course, the actual meeting presentation did not bear out any of the hype, while the comments led to a substantial share price rise coincidental with a cash raise. This has happened more than once.

But those were isolated incidents. Certainly NWBO's DCVax-L Phase 3 trial, taken as a whole, is not a pump and dump scheme. That's absurd. What it is, though, is a perpetual scheme that has created impressive wealth for many of the key figures at NWBO, and especially the CEO who has made in the hundreds of millions of dollars over the lifespan of this trial (which includes my estimate of the proceeds from the sale of Cognate, which recently resold for more than $880 million).

The principals of NWBO have figured out how to make a very nice living by keeping this trial going in perpetuity. They pay themselves nicely and have all made millions and millions of dollars. Why rush Sawston? Because it's another Cognate that will lead to great wealth for the CEO regardless of whether DCVax-L is part of the production line or not. Flaskworks? That's pure cover. They paid next to nothing for that device. Maybe some years from now it will help them produce DCVax if/when it is ever approved for some limited use. Who knows? But look at what they paid for it. Doesn't that tell you anything?

NWBO is not a pump and dump, but it has been a means to a nice living for many of the key figures at NWBO. Would you deny that? And would you deny that a nice living is a sufficient incentive to keep this trial going as long as possible? It sure looks that way, because to this day they continue to refuse to release TLD, even when they said in writing they would release it last September, and then claimed they didn't lock the data until early October. That is in addition to the dozens of other times they have misled us about imminent TLD over the history of this god-forsaken trial, all well-documented. You assume that approval in other countries is a given but your reasoning is flawed. The change of endpoints on a web site has no bearing on regulatory approval, and if that were the case then what are they waiting for? Why have they been waiting for five, six, even 10 or more years? Why are they still refusing to release the data? You can't just change the endpoints at the end of a 16-year trial and think everything will be hunky dory. That's not the way scientific study works. They have major, major problems with this trial. You know it, I know it, and everyone who has ever followed a bio-tech startup knows it. Not only that, but the people running this company have lied to us over and over again. Do you still trust people even after they lie to you? Why? Why would you believe people who lie to you, don't seem to care that they've lied to you, and provide no explanation for why they lied to you? This is a sham, and it's amazing that people can't see what is happening right in front of their eyes.


05/27/21 12:27 PM

#381221 RE: IkeEsq #358042

Great post. Thank you.