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02/11/21 2:20 PM

#324876 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #324873

What could be worse than news stores like we just got? That's what happens when they allow one side to speak and there are no rebuttals.


02/11/21 2:41 PM

#324884 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #324873

Theres nothing to stop Dr Nissen from periodically reappearing and stating the FDA made a mistake ...referring if not directly by name to Vascepa ...then at least indirectly re prescription fish oils.....knowing most consider Vascepa a prescription "fish oil "

AMRN needs to stop this head on as per the slides poster HK linked earlier



02/11/21 3:28 PM

#324894 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #324873

Disagree... Confront Nissen make his obfuscation apparent - point out out how he is harming patients by contorting science - reveal how much EPA actually helps - (Take # of CAD patients in USA if all took it how many lives saved)

SO a statement like -

If all patients with known CAD in the US took this medicine we would save 10,000 lives per year - Dr. Nissen would prefer to see 10,000 people die then admit he was wrong ....

paint the picture of an underdog startup pharmaceutical firm that just wants to save lives being purposefully manipulated by the CC because of a petulant cardiologist - Sales will boom !!


02/11/21 3:50 PM

#324897 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #324873

Birdbrain@ I noticed the same yesterday - "That Nissen newer mentioned Vascepa" - and actually thought (for a short moment) to make a post about the subject - but decided 'not to' as this is an absolut Minefield at the moment

I in fact do agree with you in what you saying 'that going after Nissen publicly' - only helps him being taken more serious (media doesn't care for subject -but conflicts sell).

Another angle is 'that in fact 90% of what Nissen says 'is the truth' - and in fact is proved by his failed trial' - more clearly than ever:

OTC Fish oils does does not help your CDV health - in fact often the exact opposite - it makes your more vulnerable to Strokes and Heart Disease.

And as pointed out again and again - Vascepa has no resemblance what so ever to any form of OTC Fish oils - so what's the problem.

Nissen has In Fact (for free) gone very public - that ordinary OTC Fish Oils (EPA-DHA) does not improve your health.

Amarin and Vascepa is FDA/ADCOM 16 to O - Approved to improve your health dramatically.

Then there the 'Mineral oil garbage' by Nissen - Again I tend to agree with BrBr here - Ignore It' - best way to stop it.

A better approach would be ' To Thank Nissen for his remarkable results in trials' - to now finally have proven 'Once and for All' tha OTC Fish Oils - is not only a waist of money - it in fact may harm your CDV health



02/11/21 3:52 PM

#324899 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #324873

Yea Maybe Karma will Visit Nissen

Like it did for that guy (can't remember his name)

who screwed Amarin

at the Anchor Adcom

Let's all hope it doesn't

but we just can't control Karma


02/11/21 9:22 PM

#324973 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #324873

Ideas...I agree with the press the retraction or correction is always smaller than the story.
And days later the only people that notice are people like us.
It is AMRM ( Thero ) who should be contacting the CEO of Cleveland Cliffs...if CC desires they can stop him in his tracks.