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oregon 1

02/05/21 3:32 PM

#73398 RE: makindatcash #73396

Will do


02/05/21 3:33 PM

#73400 RE: makindatcash #73396

Prayers for you and her...


02/05/21 3:33 PM

#73402 RE: makindatcash #73396

Prayers going out ..Stay Strong


02/05/21 3:36 PM

#73403 RE: makindatcash #73396

Heaven is getting inundated with petitions on your family's behalf. You're definitely not alone.

Island Life

02/05/21 3:36 PM

#73404 RE: makindatcash #73396

Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way! Stay strong for her.


02/05/21 3:38 PM

#73407 RE: makindatcash #73396

I’m sorry. I hope she gets better really soon.


02/05/21 3:39 PM

#73409 RE: makindatcash #73396



02/05/21 3:43 PM

#73412 RE: makindatcash #73396

Prayers sent : )


02/05/21 3:45 PM

#73414 RE: makindatcash #73396

Makindatcash, I will pray your daughter makes a full recovery. Stay strong brother


02/05/21 4:03 PM

#73428 RE: makindatcash #73396

Will do. Through the most precious blood of Jesus cover her and be healed.!


02/05/21 4:25 PM

#73438 RE: makindatcash #73396

So sorry to hear that friend.
Prayers going out for her , you and your family .



02/05/21 4:28 PM

#73439 RE: makindatcash #73396

Same thing happened to me when I was around that age. I hope she will be fine.


02/05/21 4:29 PM

#73440 RE: makindatcash #73396

In my prayers, God Bless


02/05/21 4:30 PM

#73441 RE: makindatcash #73396

Sorry to hear about your daughter. Thoughts and prayers to her and family.



02/05/21 4:36 PM

#73442 RE: makindatcash #73396

Sending prayers her way!


02/05/21 4:46 PM

#73446 RE: makindatcash #73396

Big Prayers from Texas , brother !!


02/05/21 4:48 PM

#73447 RE: makindatcash #73396

Regarding Amelia~ Am SO sorry to hear of this~ Please consider taking her to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN if there is ANYway you can possibly get there ASAP. I urge you to watch soon as possible, time-permitting, the wonderful documentary that PBS did on the Clinic, called "Faith, Hope, & Science" a couple years ago, so you can see why I am recommending this~ which you can access by signing up for a Free Membership on PBS's Website.
You may find it very comforting. My father was a Fellow of Mayo Clinic in Surgery, operating there years ago with some of their world renowned surgeons that laid the foundation for most everything you see in medicine today~ which he documents in his own biography written after he retired.

btw, I was born there at St. Mary's Hospital~ He always told us kids that if we ever had anything serious (medically, of course), to go there.

Rest assured, I will most certainly be praying for Amelia to be completely healed, and that Jesus will hold her in His EverLoving Arms~
May God be with all of you~



02/05/21 4:52 PM

#73449 RE: makindatcash #73396

I second that with oregon 1,from s.e oregon

1200 Mooses

02/05/21 5:51 PM

#73457 RE: makindatcash #73396



02/05/21 6:32 PM

#73462 RE: makindatcash #73396

Mak, I am praying for your daughter and I truly believe in His healing.
My leg needed surgery and I asked the Doctor to wait for 2 weeks. I prayed consistently for the 2 weeks and when I went back they couldn't find anything wrong with it. The Doctor said it had to be God. So, I believe your daughter can be healed in Jesus' Name. God bless you and your family.


02/05/21 6:40 PM

#73463 RE: makindatcash #73396

May the Healing touch of Jesus heal your daughter.


02/05/21 7:06 PM

#73467 RE: makindatcash #73396

Wow, so sorry to hear that. Godspeed to her recovery.


02/05/21 7:37 PM

#73468 RE: makindatcash #73396

Sorry to hear about your 3 week old daughter Amelia.

Remember that children are very strong and the drugs and doctors are very smart today in treating this disease.

I will keep her in my prayers.

Stay safe,



02/05/21 8:41 PM

#73483 RE: makindatcash #73396

You got it.

She's in my prayers.



02/05/21 11:30 PM

#73531 RE: makindatcash #73396

Done, Prayers For Her And Your Family


02/05/21 11:59 PM

#73537 RE: makindatcash #73396

Wrapping your family tightly in prayer.


02/06/21 12:03 AM

#73538 RE: makindatcash #73396

Prying is what I do, I have prayed for you and Amelia. May you receive good news from her medical team. I pray she feels the strength of our Lord.

Sorry if this violates any board rules. Some things are more important than stock bantering.


02/06/21 12:11 AM

#73541 RE: makindatcash #73396



02/06/21 12:25 AM

#73547 RE: makindatcash #73396

Lifted one up for her. In Jesus name!


02/06/21 12:36 AM

#73549 RE: makindatcash #73396

Absolutely. Your precious newborn daughter, you and your family are in my prayers for strength, resilience and a healthy recovery.