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01/26/21 1:01 PM

#294294 RE: TempePhil #294290

Phil, sincerely appreciate your insightful comments here. We would probably agree that Dr.M. is likely heavily involved in the details from these trials, as he should be. My guess is he and his team are capable of (Precision Medicine) Micro-Management, but in a good way.

Between now and the end of March (IMO) something WONDERFUL is going to happen. The framework for a bridge has been built using some AI/BIO indicators, AI, studies of disease history including academia. This trial execution and the data gathering process is NOT OUR FATHER'S OLDSMOBILE. This trial, these patients, the exact sequence of trials and Stage II planning is all laid out like a symphony.

So, trying to understand how the pieces fit is important. My guess is that there are no OOOPS expected in the planning. They probably already have a good read on efficacy.

Please keep digging. Thx.


It was curious that the Avatar enrollment status was not updated on the Dec 28 CC, as this trial was the one next up to have full enrollment and complete. Yet the AD trial enrollment, was updated, and it will not complete for a year. Why?

Working back from Jan31 Primary Completion (last patient, last data collected) 7 weeks, would put the last patient enrolled/accepted at Dec.7...12 days after the record update. Interesting..12 days schedule 'padding' or just coincidence?

On Dec28, the enrollment should have been complete, for trial Primary completion to end Jan31.

Dr.M just keeping the cards very close to his vest?

Almost end of January and no word of FDA meeting date. Is Dr.M waiting for the Avatar high dose data, so he can have both high and low for the meeting?

Ana estimates 33 patient results will take all of February.
March+ could be very interesting! We will be there soon!