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12/21/20 11:08 AM

#89568 RE: crowin #89567

SHMP Patent # 10,163,199

Invention title
Recirculating Aquaculture System and Treatment Method for Aquatic Species


12/21/20 11:09 AM

#89569 RE: crowin #89567

Look at the application date


12/23/20 2:41 PM

#89830 RE: crowin #89567

2 legit companies, shmp has no revs but

lots of potential for revs. Like I said shmp is legit.

The other has revs already and the potential for great revs is similar to shmp. Both companies have recent and important patents.

shmp has 500M o/s?
The other has 900M

Shmp pps is in the .40s
The other is laughable at 0014

In 3 months I'll be back to reply to this post to show you how laughable 0014 currently is!
