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01/07/07 11:50 PM

#17838 RE: kippykai #17835

If I could frame this differently, investors shouldn't be kept in the dark about USSE's concept. For an investment, a company should provide a solid proof-of-concept to show investors how they're going to make money before they deserve to have any money invested with them.

When USSE starts announcing delays and other issues as to why they haven't been able to get a plant up and producing revenues, it would be good to evaluate the reasons they are giving. I've seen an equivalent example in Internal Hydro where shareholders follow and accept every single delay in the company. Delay after delay and shareholders keep the faith. about three years ago when Internal Hydro did their reverse split to get access to shareholders, the price started high as shareholders were as optimistic as USSE shareholders are now. That dropped off, except for a jump this spring which again dropped off. Over that time Internal Hydro made no progress but shareholders are still optimistic. It's remarkable how similar the sentiment is on this board compared to the Internal Hydro board less than a year ago during the jump. All I'm saying is to be careful. Don't get taken on the journey for too long when the company doesn't deliver when they say they will.

J_Livermore, regarding TNT, you're confusing the explosion of TNT as releasing a extraordinarily huge amount of energy because of the often destructive fast reaction. In fact, a pound of gasoline actually has over 16 times the energy of TNT per lb. (About 20,500 BTU/lb for gasoline vs about 1,260 BTU/lb for TNT.)
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01/08/07 6:44 AM

#17844 RE: kippykai #17835

kippy... we can always hope for progress... killing him, driving him crazy...

Does PaperPropFUD remind anyone else of Cindy Sheehan? *lol*

Following JR around shouting him down with BTU numbers!!!!
