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12/17/20 9:39 PM

#179243 RE: Monksdream #179241

Also a big student/fan of Alan Turing...

It’s hard to imagination what humanity will look like in just a 1000 years, an eye blink in cosmic time.

But then I think, like many, that we are in a massive simulation...


12/17/20 9:49 PM

#179245 RE: Monksdream #179241

"the world's first digital computer"

The world's first electronic digital computer.

There have been mechanical digital computers for centuries. Dating back to at least the idea of a mechanical difference engine by Babbage.

And then there were many mechanical calculators - which are digital computers of a sort - you just use mechanical force to drive them.

Butt ENIAC (or other - this is CONtested) was/were the first programmable Turing-style general computers.

Hollerith might claim his card sorter was the first programmable digital computer though.