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12/17/20 3:15 PM

#379148 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147

But it's interesting to note that the last time you posted on this forum site n-t-ek board was just after you claimed you were banned and booted from the website forever and can't post and just one week after you also claimed you would never do prison time remarkably less than 2 weeks before turning yourself into the prison authorities.

So, it must be true you enjoy a cellular area perimeter.

When you do go in, it would be wise not to refuse the covid vaccine.
Always nice of you to drop by.

Good luck and stay safe.


12/23/20 9:48 PM

#379153 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147

Why don't you do this and put all your flock out of their misery.
Instead of squeezing every ill gotten gained cent by wash trading with your crew.

"The Company’s existing (i) common stock, (ii) Series A Warrants, Series B Warrants, Series C Warrants, Series D Warrants, Series E Warrants and Series F Warrants to purchase common stock of the Company and (iii) right to receive additional Series A Warrants, Series B Warrants, Series C Warrants, Series D Warrants, Series E Warrants and Series F Warrants to purchase common stock of the Company (collectively, the “Company Interests”) will be extinguished, and holders of Company Interests will not receive or retain any distribution, property or other value on account of or consideration in respect of their Company Interests."


12/24/20 6:31 PM

#379154 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147



12/25/20 3:26 PM

#379155 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147

Have some more nice messages. Because they're absolutely true.
Merry Christmas. Don't be wasteful and use all the coal you got for the BBQ. Because that's what you gave your business partners, promoters and associates and the shareholders that you have said you hate.

"And yet he accepted service of the SEC complaints for NTEK and NTGL as CEO for those entities in 2019 and was listed as President and Director of Nanotech Entertainment on the Nevada SOS website until 9/17/2020 when he put Karen Davis, his old stooge bookkeeper, as placeholder.
He also signed off on the SEC settlements with NTEK and NTGL - as CEO of both.

And he stupidly tries to claim he hasn't been in management since 2012.

What a clown.

Remember the $21 million bullcrap that he claimed to be 'coming soon'? It's now THREE YEARS and counting on that bullcrap. I believe it will be FOUR YEARS next April.

Sad little liar. Can't even keep a story straight.

And the TA won't issue shares because the Broward County court has frozen the Florida-based TA's ability to issue him any more shares. Thanks to the Longside judgment against the company.

And without current financials, he can't use Rule 144 to sell them into the market now either.

Oh, but he simply didn't tell you THAT.
Why is Dave yapping off again? Because he thinks he'll fraudulently get another PPP loan to pay himself.

Silly boy."


01/19/21 9:23 PM

#379196 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147

"I am definitely looking forward to 2021!"

Indeed so!

In the There's Always a Bright Side department:

Dave, don't fret about knott having any retirement savings. The civil and criminal forfeitures will dwarf your entire lifetime earnings by a factor of several.

And you won't be having a retirement anyway, so no need to worry. Just have Uncle Steve leave several dozen grand to your BOP commissary account.

The folks at the SF USA office have a hard-on for ya, and they won't be letting DaBoyzFromIllinoise having all DaFun. Look for the Home Team to put you in their batting order in the home opener (around next autumn).

You're used to dealing with TwoFers - the Global VR and the bank mortgage cases. Now you'll have two games in Chicago and one coming towards the end of DaSeason in Sanna Zaye. Two away games, one home game, and then away for good!

Yeah, we'll hafta wait a cuppla years for yer sentencings, butt the anticipation is almost as good as seeing you in DaHole (and you're going Medium this time, pal!). I do knott see you ~OUTTliving your sentences. This time, DaHole is for good.

Your generation's Phil Spector (butt with~OUTT the accompishments).

CONvicted of committing felonies while in BOP custody - do you even have ANY idea of how that goes over with the BOP?? Or DaCourt???

Oh man, this next stretch (to DaEnd) is gonna be hard, hard time for ya. No Taft easy time. You're going to a CELL. With a door that is locked every night.


02/15/21 6:40 PM

#379357 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147


Pro-tip: When entering into a criminole CONspiracy, it is very important that one be selective when choosing co-CONspirators. Generally, you don't want to CONspire with individuals who are weak, rock-stoopid, inexperienced, unCONvincing liars, careless, foolish, and have deep-seated ego and inadequacy issues.

Ergo, it was really stoopid to have elected to CONspire with idiots like this (Bennie is a serious step down from Ted Campbell or even Bob DeKett - what were you thinking????):

BIGhaus Bennie at the haffwhey haus after release from camp - when the hair dye has worn off

You remember haffwhey howse, dontcha Dave? No need to even think about that anymore. You won't live that long.


02/15/21 8:20 PM

#379358 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147


Failure analysis is a very important branch of engineering. Especially so among airplane manufacturers, automakers, and manufacturers of appliances. It's just a generally good practice, even as to self-evaluating ourselves.

The B-school droids have hijacked (as they typically do) a military term for retrospective analysis of performance. They bastardized the military term "after action report" which was pioneered in the 1800s by the Prussian military and is now almost universally adopted by militaries throu~OUTT the world.

Let's do an after-action report and analysis on your choice of BIGhaus Bennie Blankenship as a co-CONspirator. I'll take the lead here as an ~OUTTside objective observer of the failure.

First, it is crucial to CONduct a deep due diligence of those who one is anticipating entering into a relationship with, whether it be a spouse, business or businessperson, friend, or an adversary. You failed to evaluate Bennie before yumping into DaSack wiff him. Even basic DD wood have shown that he had a low/mid-level managerial yobb at P&G and that he was FIRED from that yobb because he was caught using his official P&G ( email to tout pennystocks for his own financial benefit.

If you had been aware of that, even minimal prudence wood have led you to avoid such an idiot. This firing shows that he is stopid, careless, foolish, immature, and that he getts caught. All of these ought to have ruled him ~OUTT as a co-CONspirator.

Second, there was his idiotic hair 'style' and sleazeball low-brow wardrobe of cheap rayon/Dacron button down shirts from JC Penney, poor selection of slacks, spray-on orange tan, horrid choices of color combinations (who wears a salmon-coloured pullover - I mean what MALE wears such a monstrosity?), and posting his ridiculous poses all over the interwebs. All REDD flaggs you ought to have caught early on.

Dave, you failed in one of the most basic of tasks in business (or crime), and that is to be extremely cautious and thoughtful, and assiduously diligent in investigating, your transactional partners, friends, and enemies. This is, of course, only ONE of MANY areas where you were unfit to become what you wished so dearly to be - a success in business, and moreso one in 'tech' in 'techland'.

Dave, you were doomed to failure by your numerous inadequacies, ignorances, and personal flaws. Your quest was doomed from the start. You ought to have stayed in Maine or at least Boston and tried your hand at real estate or mebbe being a small-station DJ or tawk radio host. Or open a small game arcade in a mall in some backwater burg in Maine and have a vending machine run to service (you could entertain yourself by modifying the machines to cheat people every so often - give them the wrong product from the vending machine or just eat their coins and give them nothing once in awhile). You could have satiated your larcenous side that way. And you wouldn't have to have wound up dying in Federal prison. You could have indulged your passion for bullshitting as a real estate agent or used car salesman.

The core prollem, Dave, is that you CONtinually vastly overestimate yourself, your abilities, and your knowledge base. This is a systemic prollem wiff you. And I think it is knott fixable. It is part of your inherent narcissistic psychopathy that seems utterly resistant to correction.

As Clint Eastwood said, "a man has got to know his limitations". That is a key failing of yours, Dave; you do nott unnerstan yourseff and do nott know or willfully choose to ignore your many serious, foundational limitations.

Well, you will have plenny of time to think about the spilt milk under the bridge. Plenny of time. Worse than dying in prison is dying in prison with regrets.

And you have nobody to blame for your condemnation to that besides yourself. You did it, Dave. Now you own it.

What I find unfortunate about it, tho, is the many lives you've damaged, ruined, and in some cases totally destroyed in your wake. The devastation on DullardBruvfahJeffy, LarcenousLisa, London especially, Goulash John, Petey "CEO for a Day" Riordan, Jim Rossi, the many 'investors' you scammed, Karen Davis, your numerous attorneys who you stiffed, Longside et al., a Meow cat from Hawai'i, and the many creditors you swindled (including The Earthley Remains of BRUCE L. BEAN aka 'Bruce Albini').


03/11/21 1:02 AM

#379493 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147


Being one of Nishay's CJA 'clients' is kinda like being a rat shipped from Simonsen Laboratories, Inc. (a breeder) to a research lab at Stanford, UCSF, or Berkeley. It'll be OK for a short while, and then it'll gett very badd - and you know the ending is totally gonna suck. You know you won't be coming back ~OUTT again.

So now you know how lab rats feel.

I've kilt many hunnerts of lab rats, prolly well over a thousand all-told.

Butt no coyotes. Yett. Once the jury verdict is in on this one, I'll add a special coyote notch in my handguard for ya. Mebbe on one of my poles.

I like to kill bluefin tuna (sometimes an albcore too when they swim this far) and yellowtail (a jack nott a tuna) off DaCoast of SandyEggo and Baja. Sumtimes waaaay off DaCoast depending upon where dey skooling at DaTime. The yellowtails and bluefin put up a good fight for their size - even better than billfish, pound-for-pound). Good fighters! My buddy has a boat at Mission Bay and we kill plenny of tuna, jack, dorado, even halibut off DaBottom sumtimes. Even know to kill a few beers and sammiches too. And yess we also gett the occasional kite (a seagull or pelican that takes a surface-trolled bait and then you're flying a kite - reeling them in and unsnagging their beaks from yer hooks can be very funn-worthy. Pelicans are tough birds, man. They don't know yer trying to hepp hem ~OUTT and set them free - they fight like you will try in Chicago, butt unlike with you, I lett them go free. Nott you. I've boated you, Coyote. You're going in DaLiveBox til we gett to shore and I clean you up (a nice way to phrase a dirty biz).

OnnaDaMenu: Filet of Coyote Almondine encrusted with grated Parmesan and panko

Oh well, we'll always have Chicago, Dave! And prolly Sanna Zaye too!


03/11/21 3:27 PM

#379510 RE: DavidRFoley99 #379147


Q: What is worse than going to prison?

A: Staying in prison.

It's like the saying that it's nott the fall that kills ya, it's the impact with the ground.