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02/15/21 8:44 PM

#379359 RE: shajandr #379358


Your life has been like a hand grenade detonation. You served no purpose other than to injure, maim, and kill those in the vicinity of you.

Nott only have you damaged your immediate family, you've even managed to damage your uncles. Fortunately your dad died before your major crimes and CONvictions, and thus he didn't have to witness the spectacle of your ultimate demise and more problematically the pain, heartache, suffering, and retardation that you've caused to your family.

It is dastardly and extremely shameful (shame is nott an emotion that you, as a psychopath, possess, so don't bother about nott understanding this).

Nott to worry about London, tho. I'm shurr he'll be able to gett a work-study scholarship to CSU-Hayward (now CSU-EastBay), DeAnza, Chabot College, or DeVry. And Fry's Fremont is always looking for new sales associates.

Besides, working in high skool and collitch is good for the soul and good training too!