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03/11/21 1:33 AM

#379494 RE: shajandr #379493


I know sleep will be tuff forya. And, like me, yer a knight owl (I remember your many drunken late-knight/early morning PMs to me).

So Dave, my reco is - and you've prolly already thought of this - is just stay up all knight until the call at 8:30AM. Pull an all-nighter. For guys like us, this is a very routine thing.

Now I will beddy bye prolly around 2AM tomorrow AM with an alarm set for 8AM, so I have time to Czech PACER and see if the schedule for the call has been changed, grab at least an iced tea and possibly a caffeinated energy drink from DaFridge (I gots Monster and Bing) if I feel hazy, a banana, and a cuppla English muffins wiff butter and Tilton's apricot preserves.

Then, ensconced in a comfy chair, dial-in.

As I'm shure you'll do too, even if Nishay advised you nott to.

Thing is, Dave, if I don't need to resort to the caffeinated energy drink, when the call is over I can go back to bed and fall asleep easily, prolly awaken in time for a late lunch. You, OTOH, will knott be able to go to sleep. You'll undoubtedly have a follow-up call with Nishay and then all the shit blowing in the wind atcha will keep you unable to relax and fall asleep - prolly all day tomorrow.

You will need to spend tomorrow doing tuff physical work/exercise all day so you can at least fall asleep tomorrow knight. Mebbe go up and down yer ~OUTTside stairs going up and down the hill a few dozen times. If it's raining, lett yourself gett soaked - the post-work~OUTT warm shower will relax you and make you sleepy. Think about how many laps you walked at Taft. Mebbe gett upp onna ladder and clean~OUTT the gutters. Trim some trees and shrubbery. If'n you gots a bench and free weights, bang ~OUTT 5 sets of each lift ya do (if'n ya do ANY at all!) at 90 percent of yer max. Go until you can't go no more.

Shower (no need to use those shower shoes leftover from Taft), dry off, climb under the sheets. DO NOTT THINK ABOUT THE FUTURE. Dream about some pleasant memory of when you were a kidd. Let'er drift.

Sleep will come.


03/12/21 7:36 PM

#379518 RE: shajandr #379493

I've boated you, Coyote. You're going in DaLiveBox til we gett to shore and I clean you up (a nice way to phrase a dirty biz).

OnnaDaMenu: Filet of Coyote Almondine encrusted with grated Parmesan and panko
