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11/27/20 6:26 PM

#54671 RE: Monksdream #54670

Was the open notebook purposely intended to make him look Presidential?

LOL They forgot to put a sharpie in his hand.

Kamala Harris calls young artist to thank him, and to congratulate him on his amazing talent.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris called 14-year-old Tyler Gordon of San Jose to thank him for a portrait of her he painted.

Tyler Gordon is an exceptional young man and very talented artist. The other day he tweeted out a time lapse of himself painting a beautiful portrait of Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

Gordon said he chose Harris as his latest subject because she inspires him to overcome some of his obstacles.

"She broke through tons of barriers and I broke through tons of barriers myself with my stutter, me being in a wheelchair for two years and me being deaf since I was six," he said. "I broke through tons of barriers and I feel like she represents that."

Tyler Gordon
My name is Tyler Gordon and I'm 14 years old and I live in the Bay Area! I painted this picture of you and I hope you like it!!! Please Rt and tag her so that she can see this. Please!!!

Great video