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11/26/20 11:57 AM

#130774 RE: Chuckles759 #130773

Chuckles 759... True..!!!


11/26/20 1:25 PM

#130776 RE: Chuckles759 #130773

Great article and post Chuck. Appreciate it. Very interesting..



11/26/20 1:50 PM

#130777 RE: Chuckles759 #130773

Exposure to viral load is not considered?
We know that based on the viral load or duration a person is exposed to
Covid also is a factor to become covid positive or not.
Since the numbers are so small, it is always possible that the people in the vaccine arm were actually exposed to less viral
Load than the ones in the placebo
Arm. And hence fewer could be pcr positive.
This is where a bigger sample of positive people helps.
Perhaps like a thousand. 100 people is too
Small a pop to
Say a vaccine works for the purpose it was designed for. And expecting millions to be vaccines based on this is dangerous!


11/26/20 4:23 PM

#130784 RE: Chuckles759 #130773


Thanks for posting that article. This says it all really. " An estimate of the number to treat from the Moderna trial to prevent a single “case” would be fifteen thousand vaccinations to prevent ninety “cases” or 167 vaccinations per “case” prevented which does not sound nearly as good as 94.5 percent effective. "
That is not even as good as the abysmal efficacy that the flu shot has. It is something like 100 shots to prevent 1 case of what it is trying to prevent which is 2 specific strains of Influenza A and B. The strains they go after varies each year.

"The goal of these mRNA vaccines is to REDUCE the severity of the disease - NOT to prevent infection." It seems to me that can be accomplished very effectively with the things we talk about on this board daily ie:Vit D, Zinc+ Quercetin or EGCG or when a case starts to get serious, Vyrologix. I honestly don't see any need for vaccines and don't think the risk-reward ratio justifies taking one.

There will be side effects with covid vaccines as with any other vaccine. We just don't know how many or how severe they will be. What I'm wondering is whether Vyrologix would be helpful to treat vaccine side effects. That could end up being a very lucrative market.

Now here is a moral question. Is it ok for airlines, concerts, schools or other venues to bar people from participation for not being vaccinated? Before you answer this, remember "The goal of these mRNA vaccines is to REDUCE the severity of the disease - NOT to prevent infection." If they don['t prevent the infection but they do reduce the severity of the disease then they don't make vaccinated any less likely to infect others.


11/27/20 1:49 PM

#130841 RE: Chuckles759 #130773

I'm not sure I'm reading it correctly, but maybe Pfizer/Biontech also takes asymptomatic cases into efficacy consideration?

Page 55, Chapter 8.1:
"In addition, a serological definition will be used for participants without clinical presentation of COVID-19:

• Confirmed seroconversion to SARS-CoV-2 without confirmed COVID-19: positive N-binding antibody result in a participant with a prior negative N-binding antibody

Serum samples will be obtained for immunogenicity testing at the visits specified in the SoA.
The following assays will be performed:
• SARS-CoV-2 neutralization assay
• S1-binding IgG level assay
• RBD-binding IgG level assay
• N-binding antibody assay"