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10/14/20 11:35 AM

#49919 RE: Schneidku40 #49918

I see Vitra still remembers how to put our PR's. Maybe they can learn how to spend there money on real PR's not deminishing the death of a person as I am sure Sultz was a dedicated man to his family, freinds and Virtra and my condolences go out to his family and freinds

I hope Ferris picks a real BOD and not a puppet. I would nominate "FISH" and request him to be put on the ballot. Does anybody know how to get that done?


10/14/20 11:38 AM

#49920 RE: Schneidku40 #49918

Let's not confuse specific problem solving with random diversity. Based on the sales aggressiveness, or lack of same as history shows, a BOD focused on establishing and meeting sales goals requires a best-for-the-job mentality. If "diversity" results from the assemblage of such a BOD, then fine. The focus should be intelligently solving the problem, not creating a BOD that has "put an infinite number of various talented individuals in a room with PCs and they will eventually come up with a solution"...(Probably a poor parody of the old philosophy using monkeys, typewriters and waiting for the world's greatest literary works)...but you get the idea. Based on what we've seen over the years, one could opine that we have a rudderless ship due to the inability to focus on a common goal..improve sales. Fish is dead-on with once again emphasizing the need for a true leader capable of "selling the sizzle" of a top product line and leading the company to where it needs to be. What else can I say?