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09/21/20 12:23 PM

#169972 RE: jobynimble #169970

It would also speak if they would publish merit based rewards and objectives. I.e. If the market cap gets to $100M, X number of stock will be awarded at X value, if it goes above that the percentage based award will be used, If a forward split occurs to offset the previous reverse split, X additional award will be provided split between cash and stock. And not awards that improve their personal holdings while relieving current stock holders of their position's value. People see through that like glass and the SP reflects it. How about the BOD award the EMPLOYEES the CASH instead of the CXX team? Employee CASH Bonuses, instead of stock in lieu of pay, or at LEAST the CHOICE to choose between them and how much of each.

The existing awards just go to show their true nature, and hint hint, it isn't related to loyalty to the longs that have funded their failures, or employees that have executed.

When you are selling something the market wants/demands, success is inevitable, we are not seeing that level of interest yet.


09/21/20 12:59 PM

#169973 RE: jobynimble #169970

It seems like there will always be excuses on why none of the insiders can buy large positions in the stock

I would advise you to take it up with the SEC since it is their rules as to when insiders can't buy or sell stock.