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The Irishman

09/19/20 8:13 PM

#300126 RE: raistthemage #300121

raistthemage... Thank you for your honesty. I’d like to offer some feedback.

1. Looting the company. Do you truly believe that? Let’s say he didn’t want to do that and he wanted to optimize share value. Wouldn’t he stand to make more money with a share price that is much higher than $4 a share?

2. The 9th circuit: I too was intrigued by that decision. However, I don’t think the CEO could make that decision in a vacuum. I would think it would require board approval. Is the board complicit?
What about the legal team? Are they in on the scheme? Would it be Covington’s desire to throw “the game?” To what value or benefit?

3. Go it alone in Europe: I think this is more talk than anything else. If they were truly serious then they would have a much larger team right now negotiating insurance access and setting up a sales and marketing strategy. Amarin has the money to foot this bill. When I listen or read Thero’s comments about Europe I tend to see more of a suggestion or intent verses a hardcore strategy-action. To me this is part of the overall strategy. I go back to earlier comments by Thero. Didn’t he once mention a wholistic approach? That indicated selling the entire franchise. Who knows? Maybe Amarin has decided to GIA. Either way, I think they are being vague a bit. There must be a reason for that. I suspect we will know either way before the conclusion of 2020.

4. Authorized generic: that’s on the table and could happen. I haven’t seen anything that ruled that out.

Bottom line? This drug is worth so much money! More importantly it’s here to save countless lives. They know this. I doubt that the leadership team and board of directors want their names and reputation behind what could be the biggest drug company screwup known to mankind. I think something is in the works to salvage this enterprise.
Be well