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CogDiss 1188X

06/17/20 12:17 AM

#289919 RE: iwasadiver #289896

Iwasadiver, appreciate your response. I haven’t looked into the details on HCQ enough to make a firm judgment but I suspect zinc is important, perhaps critical, to the protocol, as well as zpac. There seem to be doctors having success but of course the trial results are muddy. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was monkey business going on with some of the trials. I hope to provide a couple of examples in the future.

Time will tell and it will be useful in updating our models of the world if necessary when the truth is finally nailed down.

BTW, I don’t have much good to say about the current state of medicine, in general. However, I believe that acute care, which you specialize in, is one of the few areas that stand out positively. Obviously if I’ve been shot in one of these crazy riots I would try to stumble towards your ER and collapse in the doorway looking for you to save my life.

It’s in chronic illness, especially, but not limited to cancer care, that the edifice is rotten top to bottom. It’s been a process that goes back over 100 years so most doctors aren’t even aware of the situation. It’s just the air we breathe these days, and if you only know the San Fernando Valley it seems like the way things should be.

The new evidence on Dexamethasone in ARDS is quite interesting, as at first we were automatically giving it at first sign of ARDS but it appeared people were dying and maybe because we were blunting their already fragile immune system. This now appears to not have been the reason.

It seems like it works once you’re in need of oxygen or ventilation though perhaps there is something specific about the dosage (they mentioned low dose). The article hints at ARDS as a possible scenario where it might work but without actually saying it.

In any case, this seems like great news to me, even if it steps on my investment in ATHX in the short term. They have a covid-based ARDS trial in progress — still thinking through the short term implications of these results. I felt their shift to focus on covid-specific ARDS might have been a tactical error when they announced it but still too early to say.

Dexamethasone proves first life-saving drug: