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05/26/20 3:53 PM

#56216 RE: inversor86 #56214


You are high lighting an interesting possibility or option that they could pursue if they went down this road. Perhaps others can chime in, who are much more financially savvy than me, and understand the leadership at LWLG, and the financial implications of such a move, but I personally do not think that they will go down that road.

The reason being that for the past 10 years they have never really shown any serious interest in up-listing to the Nasdaq. Yes they talked about it at a lot of Annual meetings, as part of their presentations, but never really pushed for any follow through. It has not really been a priority for them.

But more important (recent history and developments) is that Michael Lebby has stated in his presentation that he wants us to uplist naturally. There has to be a reason for him saying that. He believes in the science. Based on his entire personality, methodology, and reputation he would NOT want to be part of any such scheme. He is smart enough to know that long time shareholders will be very upset by such a move. He will not go down that way. Besides if the stock price due to his getting us to a point where we have some orders, and have some small deals, the stock price should naturally go up to between 2-4 dollars a share, a lot of us long time shareholders will consider that a success story and a win by Lebby.

Maybe I am being too optimistic lol.

Others please chime in. Would love to hear other opinions.


05/26/20 4:02 PM

#56218 RE: inversor86 #56214

Inversor isn’t that the point of Lebby saying they want to uplift organically vs a reverse split ?


05/26/20 4:36 PM

#56219 RE: inversor86 #56214

Inversor, wouldn’t that be the opposite of “organically” getting to a different exchange? Or a different variation? Not sure
I do know that I’m not a fan of a reverse split at this time. Slow and steady wins the race.