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05/23/20 10:01 PM

#275923 RE: The Irishman #275918

Irish - Thx for response. I cringe when I hear him talk about GIA or partner in EU while gambling on appeal win. Given the inconsistency of CAFC on patent cases, odds of winning seem like a coin flip no matter how bad DU’s ruling was.

So, to me he is gambling shareholders value on a coin flip as I see GIA or partner in EU without US market as a disaster.

But, what do I know?

Best to you
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05/24/20 12:00 AM

#275944 RE: The Irishman #275918

That's right, it is hard to completely evaluate the situation because there is so much we do not know, aka a lack of transparency. We can only hope that there have been ongoing behind the scenes negotiations an a BO will transpire out of those negotiations, completing the trilogy of epic Amarin days along with 9/24/2018 and 16-0 AdCom.

But objectively there is a lot of damning evidence providing cause for concern:

1) Blindsided by the November 2018 Bear Raid.

2) Blindsided by the AdCom.

3) Blindsided by the Du Decision.

4) Choosing the Nevada forum.

5) Failing to settle the case.

6) The stock price falling nearly 50% in 2020 pre 3/30.

7) The stock price falling to $4 in the aftermath of 3/30.

8) On 3/30, an aftermarket conference call is held on the worst day in the economic history of Amarin shareholders. Instead of holding a blunt townhall open Q&A meeting with shareholders, the conference call is completely devoted to science, with no questions concerning the court decision. Tone deaf arrogance. Completely inexcusable.

9) There has been zero accountability and next to no transparency in connection with the causation of 3/30.

10) No discernible plan for Europe, six months away from approval.

11) Forms 4s like clockwork, but never any open-market purchases by management.

12) None of the sharp BO promotional tactics employed like those of the MedCo CEO in connection with the Novartis acquisition.

Others have may have more to add to this list, and some of these may be debatable. But overall, there is cause for concern. Hopefully, there are so many more positives that we do not know, and these positives will yield positive results.