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05/24/20 12:13 AM

#275951 RE: marjac #275944

Marjac..I'm with you 100% on your list..also on that 3/30 call he really gave the impression that the generics were farther behind in obtaining supply and to be able to replicate V..boy did he get that wrong...


05/24/20 6:34 AM

#275961 RE: marjac #275944

marjac@ As postes I understand your line of reasoning. And probarbly where i most agree with you is - the general lack of 'transparency/openness' towards shareholders.

Just for balance I will try to 'see things from Amarins' offices:

Except for the actual Adcom meeting - just about every possible ofstacle has been put on the company 'ever since R-I autumn 2018.

1. The ever long approval proces through 2019 - in fact took all year. And it was very annoying delayed - from august to november in a late call - that completely took Amarins of guard - delaying plans for bigger sales force - and made the timing of the stock emission look hopeless (SP - fell from 24$ - to around 14$).

2. Then 'Finally' FDA approval december 2019 - Hurra ! And Canada - and Super Q4 - now SP will be/must be +30$. But NO' - for every good news SP fell. The stock havely manipulated - all the time kept under control IMO.

3. And lastly 'the Absolut Killer Move by opposition'. The 6 most important patens Destroyed by the judge - some nearly 2 months ago. The one thing that every expert said 'could not happen'.

The truth is that the company - that has developed 'probably the most important 'Saving' drug in History' - is/has been 'haunted' for more than a decade. For every move the have made FDA - Big Pharma - has done everything in their power 'to delay' the succes of Vascepa. And we and Amarin are (as always) stil waiting - for the next barrier to be handled by the company. Again 'delay' - delay'.

Now you could take the rational approach - as you very effectively does - in your input. And from a modern business prospective your are absolutely correct.

But as an old business fighter (been in a number - some won' - some lost') - I do understand the psykologi that must drive JT and other long time leaders at Amarin - not to 'Give the Company away' - after more than a decade of constant fighting for survival.

And you have to admit - 'they stil 'very well' can end up winning big' in the end'. The potential in this product is there - to make it a worldwide succes. They just need a little bit of luck 'Go their Way' (right now meaning have the patents restored in Appeal) - and then 'Peace and Quiet' to develop the Company - something this company until now has newer tried.



05/24/20 7:16 AM

#275963 RE: marjac #275944

Great list and it goes on:

**) no plan going forward if appeal lost. Authorized generic? Need details to convince investors.

**) no plan in place against generic launch (at risk or not)

**) questionable “take ball went home” strategy (no dtc, etc) for prior to or delayed appeal situation

**) questionable long waiting on dtc, no consideration/discussion on this waiting prior to approval; it took or will take half year (even though AV mentioned it only needs 30 days from fda). Btw, where is AV (hope he is fine in any case) and dtc approval?


05/24/20 7:45 AM

#275965 RE: marjac #275944


**) super slow progress or action on covid19. By the time they figure anything out, the virus is long gone already.

**) Suggest somebody ask him next CC what the heck is he doing everyday now? What sales force doing right now? Are we just idling like this until year end or next year?

The Irishman

05/24/20 9:53 AM

#275984 RE: marjac #275944

marjac, as I sit here and type out my thoughts I do draw one simple conclusion, you are right. Much if not all of what you say would be an accurate observation. I know others responded to you. Most were in favor of your observations, with only jasbg dissenting. I won’t argue with anyone over their views, for its what we see.

Having said that, I still believe that there is more to this. Call me crazy, call me a fool and I’m ok with it. My choice to feel this way.
I’ll leave you with this, we will surely know one way or another where Amarin goes from here. I’m asking and praying for the best. Vascepa is too important to human life for it to be anything other than good.

If JT is truly derelict in his duty ( I don’t think that he is), then so is the board. I still think about our good investment friends the Baker boys. One must think they have some skin in this game. What are they doing? What are they saying? Silence?

Something’s in the air....

Be well my friend.


05/24/20 2:28 PM

#276040 RE: marjac #275944

My thoughts are there was/is an ongoing discussion with BP in regards to a buyout. JT wanted a price. BP wanted something much lower given the potential risks. One of the major risks being the ANDA case. BP said if the case is won, we will meet your price. If it’s settled we will not move on our price.

You all know where it goes from there...if we win the appeal, we will see a buyout within 3 months or so.

Given the conservative nature of JT, if he truly wanted a GIA strategy he would have settled. Just look at his lowball revenue projections prior to COVID-19. You think a CEO like that would take his company through a win and maintain status quo or lose and the company may not survive scenario?