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05/23/20 4:17 PM

#84468 RE: Elroy Jetson #84467

Alexa, did a plow or weaving machine keep track of every request I make, every question I ask?

With "tools" like Alexa, we are the product. We are the tool. Alexa's purpose is to mine for information and you are the tool used to serve that information.

I assume when you say there is a lack of a progressive income tax you mean that in the political sense, not the economic sense. Either that or you're talking about long term capital gains taxes which are not as progressive as income taxes. An argument could be made for capital gains taxes to equal income tax rates and brackets.

I'm not sure how I feel about that personally as the great majority of my income is from long term capital gains but I can see the value of the argument.

As long as we're on the subject, I would remove the provision in the 2017 tax law that ties inflation to the "chained" CPI...let them eat hot dogs.