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05/23/20 12:18 AM

#252161 RE: sokol #252157

I agree with everything you said. Thanks for responding and sharing your other investment experience. Honestly, as much as I hate to say it, I feel the same reaction coming, as your other investment, if results are mixed. An overreaction and influx of selling. We’ve seen it here already. If we do get mixed results, it would sure help if they were able to pinpoint exactly why there were groups of patients not responding to the treatment. Hopefully they can confirm the genetic variants are real factors in 2-73’s effectiveness and they are able to confirm the gut biome hypothesis with much more detail.

As JJ says it’s no time to be vague and “chicken out”. No fear, time to actually show it without beating around the bush. No more iceberg tips.

If this investment hits the fan, my daily life won’t be effected, but my retirement will get crushed. If it hits, well I’ll share with you in person. Cheers Sokol!


05/23/20 8:34 AM

#252173 RE: sokol #252157

sokol--" I believe it is highly likely that AVXL 2-72 and 3-71 show"--fully agree with your views---been here(invested) for 5 years---also have done tons of research and followed every move by the co. Far too many positives for this to fall on it's face---I go back to the early days with Pauline Stevens (piano player) and Valerie Lynch (painter) and words from Dr.MacFarlane amazed by results he had seen--these improvements shown have not been freak accidents--2-73 is the real deal--as I have seen mentioned here more than once--"we've got this" !!!!!!!