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05/20/20 4:07 PM

#297209 RE: Juancy #297207

Unfortunately with consolidated financials it's impossible to know what a cafe generates.

...Amfil has a debt, but also will start generating another $2M to $3M in revenues from the new location...


05/20/20 4:29 PM

#297212 RE: Juancy #297207

Well Summarized[thought out] Juancy....worthy of a Sticky indeed!!


05/20/20 4:31 PM

#297214 RE: Juancy #297207

Good points J! Also it is VERY nice to know A LARGE CHUNK of debt has INDEED extinguished off the books too and the reasons for OS increases(7 figures of debt off books is nothing to scoff at considering!). Very important aspect as well as knowing dilution was NOT used only for the benefit of some standard issue nasty toxic funders, as many OTCs do, and used for who knows what by the company. In fact, funding here has mainly come from friendly and family sources ALL along while being utilized in the best way possible for the company's growth imo. Building the company while not just screwing commoner investors along the way considering the avenue they could have taken..aka that standard issue POS TOXIC OTC route which we know all about out here lol. Soo glad there is not any standard issue funders in this mix phew! The 1s that do NOT care about the future of the company only their instant pocketbooks. Actually the company has had some of the best type of funding which is almost as good as directors directly funding a company as well. To me it is great knowing MANY believe in this company all the way up/down the line!) Just my thoughts at least.

Anyways at the end of the day I know we are ready for that GET BACK and then some bro! All around!

Have a nice rest of day J and all! Lets see what manana brings. Take day to day til it's time to rise uP! Grind til shine bro!) Look forward to shining together! Peace!


05/20/20 5:24 PM

#297219 RE: Juancy #297207

Can you tell me what OS is?