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05/13/20 4:57 PM

#189584 RE: first mike #189581

Thanks a million for this Mike! GO KBLB!

King Bolaba

05/13/20 5:13 PM

#189586 RE: first mike #189581

Always and enlightening pleasure to hear from you mike.


05/13/20 5:28 PM

#189592 RE: first mike #189581

Great to hear from you Mike!


05/13/20 5:35 PM

#189594 RE: first mike #189581

Thank you, Mike.

Prayers for good health.

GOD Bless


05/13/20 5:57 PM

#189600 RE: first mike #189581

First Mike, thanks for the post.
Not to pour water on the parade of hope, but

1) There are no flights from Detroit to HCM until May 29.

2) Vietnam is currently not accepting foreigners into the country:

To staunch the spread of COVID-19, Vietnam will not be allowing entry or issuing visas to any foreign nationals, from March 22 until further notice, except for those travelling for official or diplomatic purposes, who must undergo medical checks and 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Vietnam. The ban also applies to those who currently hold visas or visa letters.


So if Jon has to take those personally with him to get them there, I don't see that happening any time soon. Perhaps that's the reason for the verbiage in the PR:

preparing to transfer production back to Prodigy Textiles, its Vietnamese subsidiary...The Company is now ready to transition the majority of its production back to Vietnam as soon as the silkworm rearing cycle allows.

I'd like to be wrong on this, but it very well could be that the reason of the uncertainty ("as soon as the silkworm rearing cycle allows") is really just a nice way of saying, "Until Jon is allowed to fly to Vietnam due to closed borders in Vietnam and our lovely governor lifts restrictions here at home."

Silkworm rearing cycle leaves it open to speculation, whereas closed borders in Vietnam is an anvil drop that will take the PPS down even further.


05/13/20 8:43 PM

#189631 RE: first mike #189581

If every thing goes well the rest of the year this company will be lucky to produce a couple tons by years end. And I would be estatic with that.

9 tons of production is pie in the sky dreaming.


05/13/20 10:47 PM

#189659 RE: first mike #189581

Hello Mike.If your still on the line,or at your convenience I'll

assume you watched the webcast (press conference) I was wondering

what thoughts you may have specifically in the area of science

and as it relates to Knock in Knock out in relation to past methods

in particular "CRISPER Cas9"?

It doesn't seem all that long ago.

Best Wishes to you and yours.