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05/12/20 6:13 PM

#29998 RE: Dr PennyStock #29996

You are correct.


05/12/20 6:59 PM

#30000 RE: Dr PennyStock #29996

Doc, I would rather they say "striving" which gives them some leeway in these uncertain times instead of making a definitive statement and then they miss the deadline or it doesn't happen.

I'm not convinced they'll pay the debt with all cash and no dilution/increase in O/S, that increase in the A/S seems to me to be part of their backup Plan B. Just speculation on my part but we've both been doing this a long time and have seen it all (well I thought I did until *LAHO).


05/12/20 11:33 PM

#30006 RE: Dr PennyStock #29996

Sounds to me like negotiating!!!