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04/04/20 2:35 PM

#261942 RE: HDGabor #261932

Looks like to me pto did consider Kura trial and concluded it was not stat sig, but forgot to reference the Kura trial. My wishful guess of course.

It is common, when I work on something, not every paper I read will make to the reference.


04/04/20 5:21 PM

#262048 RE: HDGabor #261932

HD - brilliant finding as per your post that Kurcbayashi WAS considered by the POSA as to the Amarin patent application - Judge Du is thus wrong in her reference to this NOT having been considered by the POSA!!!!
R Mitra has already done a brilliant job on destroying the judges findings on the Mori trial study- she has made a serious error as to fact on Mori which the appeal court can examine and rule against her upon - now what we need now is for R Mitra if he would be so generous is to do an analysis of Kurcbayashi - you express that the POSA found it was statistically significant - the judge has asserted this study was evidence of obviousness - although wrongly suggesting the POSA had not considered it - it would be a double whammy if in fact on a proper statistical examination this study was not statistically significant - neither Mori - which it now can not be -or Kurcbaysahi -could then be considered factually correct and the judge would have made serious error on both these study assessments by her - can posters who can contact. R Mitra beg him to undertake this exercise
This is crucial to winning the appeal on the test of obviousness - we are home on Mori - Let’s see if the same applies on K.
I am a trial lawyer in uk - this is how you win appeals - chew up and destroy the basis on which you lost at first instance
Why there was no statistical expert report / statistical evidence called on these studies is incredible - they should have been blown out of the water !!!!


04/04/20 5:31 PM

#262055 RE: HDGabor #261932

HDG -- are we saying now that Judge Du either ignored or missed the clear fact that the examiner DID consider Kurabayashi in the patent prosecution?


Can that be true?