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03/25/20 7:16 PM

#256238 RE: sts66 #256214

sts66@ Thanks a lot for your input about ETF's.

I have to say though - that i do not share your great discomfort with those assets.

To be concret: The ETF's I ovn are all bought on Xetra in Germany. They are issued from Blackrock Ireland - and all have the UCiTS garanty mrk.

I'm quite fine with these (index) ETF investments - wich for years (and also right now) is the ones that hurts the least' under the fallback.

The ETFs I own:

EUNL (the best/most stable over the last 8 years)
SXRU (Dow Index - great - and with very low adm. costs)
EXXT (Nasdaq index - the best - adm. cost very low)

There might be some bad cases out there. The ETF's I hold are 'Light-years better' than what the Banks offer (pensionfonds) - they usually cost 2- 3% in adm. - ETF's are 0.5 - 0.7% in adm. cost. Makes a lot of differense in say 10- 15 years run (even if you are 60- 70 years of age).

Sleep vell - night here :)
