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02/18/20 10:51 PM

#63431 RE: I-Glow #63429

No it is not typical. Show me a pump and dump that is STILL UP after 8 months. Just one. And while we're at it, show me a pump and dump in the history of pump and dumps where the beneficial owner of the company hasn't dumped a single share. That makes no sense. If he didn't sell above $2.00, what is he waiting for then?


02/19/20 8:36 AM

#63435 RE: I-Glow #63429

Who bought in at 2.20?
There was no "initial pump" that's just nonsense.
We can repeat ourselves too.


02/19/20 8:57 AM

#63437 RE: I-Glow #63429

The initial pump was well below what it is now so yes people are up 1000 percent still lmao