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01/29/20 7:13 AM

#14716 RE: armour1955 #14715

Price should be much higher audited revs are 33 mil and project for more this year. Even if ss does get maxed out and we are not close - Price is way undervalued

If you have 33 mil in sales which was audited last year and is projected prob closer to 42 mil this year in sales as people say and a 126 os current or even worse case scenario 300 os maxed out.

Each share is worth:
33 mil rev divided by 126 mil shares current structure

Each share out there is worth .26 cents where we are at
If share structure is maxed then we would be at .11

but then you have to multiply by at least 3, 4 or 5 times depending on the multiple for this industry since shares dont trade at 1 times multiple

Also people have been saying 42 mil in rev probably this year which would be

42 mil shares divided by 126 is .33 cents
42 mil shares divided by 300 is .14 cents

and then times this by the appropriate multiple for this industry

Also they are now constructing and going to be finishing a project this year which will allow to have over 65 more mill in rev

Also charting wise look at - the daily rsi is in the 50's - the price is higher and is staying over the ma50 major indicator for the first time this week since the drop from about dollar.

On the weekly chart rsi is in the low 30's long way to go up 80 is high and can stay there for while macd is still working its way up to 0 long ways to go and then near term from last year.

The trend line is at .50 cents.

Kwbt is a real company with a very important product with the backing of the Chinese gov which is needed in China around the world. A company which is doing something which helps everyone. Re nurturing the soil brings people healthier food and allows the earth a chance to regain its strength -- more crops and healthier ones - brings a healthier people and world.

Kwbt is very real and solid growing company not in its infancy and has a long and very real future.