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01/17/20 3:49 PM

#242003 RE: SocialBoom #241984

If AMRN slashes the sales force and cancels DTC ads I doubt they're going to sell $700M+ this year - this drug doesn't sell itself or sales would be much higher already, R-IT results were known well over a year ago - by us, but not by the avg. clinician.

I don't even want to consider GIA in the EU - costs would be huge, doubt they could do it without more dilution - they'd have to start from scratch and wouldn't make a penny in the EU until maybe mid 2021 at the earliest assuming Q3/Q4/2020 EMA approval - price negotiations with each member nation will take a decent amount of time.

Ask yourself what the Baker Boyz do with their massive AMRN stake if we lose the patent case. Heck, ask yourself what you would do with your stake - I know what I'd do - dump it as fast as I could and hope to get out with a decent profit.

These are all "what ifs" - I don't believe we actually are going to lose the patent case - if we do, the entire patent system (and Hatch-Waxman) should be burned to the ground.