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01/13/20 9:28 PM

#277926 RE: Chester the Investor #277924

Or cry now AND later. They are nott mutually exclusive.

Averaging-down-to-zero is a tried and repeated method in the pennyscam turdstocks. Never works, butt always used.

In gambling, it's also known as chasing losses.

In general usage, it's referred to as compounding a mistake, or digging a hole deeper (to use the metaphor).


01/13/20 9:58 PM

#277937 RE: Chester the Investor #277924

Loved your post Chester. Made me feel a lot better. It's easy to get disheartened with our pps being what it is, but posts like yours helps to remind us of why we invested in Funn in the first place, and with patients..where we will eventually be.


01/14/20 7:45 AM

#277955 RE: Chester the Investor #277924

Things to remember here to keep shareholders level-headed:

1) Patience
2) Long-term hold
3) Growth
4) Controlled dilution

Uncertainty and impatience is in the air, but one should always step back and ask themselves objectively why they invested here in the first place. Notice I said invested, no flipping or trading.

The company is experiencing growth and multimillion revenues quarterly with a proven niche cafe concept, self-published games, and Canadian board game distribution channel. Emotions tend to blind us from all the positives, and I can understand why when I look at what we have been through, but the long term potential is what we should be focused on, the future. I truly don't see how we can still be this early in this story and some describe this company as a failure or a scam. Maybe if we were contracting, yes...

This year, we can expect 3 more cafes to open, especially after more than a year without opening one, and it would probably take a year or so for those cafes to bring in profits after they open, but it takes time. We can also expect two more self-published games to come to market.

I know I sound like a broken record, but shareholders have to understand that this is a growth stock, albeit still subjected to scrutiny and the shenanigans of the Pink market and the mishaps from management, and it will take a little bit of time to dig ourselves out if this hole. Mistakes were made and management is trying to steer the ship in the right direction and I trust they will do so. I really believe that the audit ordeal really did a number on us, wether we blame FUNN or RBSM, or both, but we need to get into recovery-mode nonetheless. 2018 audit is now behind us and the company should be tackling the 2019 audit at the moment. Explanations about concerns and uncertainties will eventually come, IMO.

Issues, road blocks, speed humps, well, that's all part of the process, but I continue to stay the course and try to not let emotions get the best of me in the meantime. GLTA! :-)



01/14/20 3:37 PM

#278100 RE: Chester the Investor #277924

Salute to that CtI!

Company stepping up and it will again catch up to the stock side sooner or later imo. Only few in way stopping us at this point too on the box it looks like to me. At this point seems like something about to give from these lulls and lows. Has taken longer to appreciate but that is where I believe it will make the get back that much sweeter on the way up! I think, and have been thinking for some time, that the stock side will shift in our favor again. To new heights is my goal to start then to see Snakes and the company in general become a undeniable BEAST and entity. Brand. To me it seems with all things considered and the path this is on that this could turn ANY DAY when most all least expect it. Sure I have thought this for some time but now looking at big picture and price point it really seems likely to occur from these levs any time. Actually is easier for me to see the light on what will happen when this stock catches back on from where we at now. Has a GREAT shot at making up for lost ground in VERY short order when it wakes too imo. Can then show just how tight this stock really is held. Will quickly show what some buzz and momo can do as well!) Especially with all the company is doing on all fronts and what they have in store. Snakes and Lattes to really start SPREADING from here with a great chance of making them a household brand/name down the road as many of us believe! A POPULAR BRAND again having a great BRAND is HUGE as we all know! I believe we have it with Snakes and Lattes etc! I believe we have it with who is running the show and what other steps will be taken when it is time. Surely seems like many key moves slated to occur in the near term too.

Sure things have and are taking longer than anticipated and we went over this before as we know lol. Needless to say better later than never on all items. Many that have happened or are waiting for to happen. Also some that are better to not have happened as company moved forward and adapted and adjusted as necessary. It happens in every day business. But key items taking longer to occur doesn't mean they will not happen. Like the 3 years of audited fins and games that was said would never occur lol. Many other things as well that was said would not and could not happen. Yet there they are and here the company is LARGER, GROWING and ready to keep growing on all fronts! Stepping it up! As I say doing things other OTCs could only dream of doing! Coming from a place where many couldn't/can't make it from and others that do and have to deal with all growing pains, muck, speed bumps, etc along the way as well. While keeping on that path. While not screwing us shareholders. I truly think this company is more special than credit is given but that is ok though. Eventually it will get the credit it deserves if they keep on sticking to the path bringing it to that next level. Continuing to move forward all the while again never forgetting where this came from and how they have been/are looking out for us commoners! A true WIN WIN situation for all involved in the making. A true bottom to top scenario in the making. A true come up story. How I see it and I don't let a depressed price driven by few retailers turn me off or get me down either because I believe in where this is going and heading and this price is only a temporary number on a screen.

So as far as the stock side of things I say weed out the last of these holders selling and make way for that shift. At some point it just will happen imo. But is obvious that a larger retail holder or "group" been selling lately down here at these prices. Heck seems like much of the offering and bid hitting last week has been same cat/s lol. Their M.O. is clear as day though and easy to see on L2s. Could care less what their reasoning or thinking is though as I know my stance. They can move on to something new hey GL see ya lol. They can keep their pressure on while vol/interest low but lets see how they feel when they realize they made a booboo and were SOOO CLOSE to turning that corner! Seems spiteful and not too savvy of moves to me overall lol. Really start 2nd guessing when they pulling the trigger on the last of their sales lol. So yuppp weed um and reap! All around! NOT scared or worried here and in fact am MORE HUNGRY! MORE committed! MORE motivated to make it hap!

Now when tides change here on the stock side will see what's up besides just pps! Morale, sentiments, vol, interest, and BUZZ! Then I bet will also be some thank yous in store for these weak hand sellers and their gifts they gave in singles for as long as they did. I see the company heading into this next phase ready to run and it will be a great phase for us holders and the company too. I am not straying from my thinking there! Definitely clockwork stuff on the stock side and eventually tides will indeed change! Love to see it happen in the ST and could this month yet! Could start the new trend any day. Will see. Either way I'm looking forward to our get back and then some! Looking forward to the company amazing the masses yet again..and then some! Lets do this! Have a good day man and keep on keepin on! Cheers.