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01/08/20 7:37 PM

#60749 RE: Hippd #60748

We're talking about a company that is going to have 500 mil in gross sales run rate by end of year and 1 billion in sales by 2022. Right now we are around a 2 billion market cap. Do the math, 1 billion in gross sales/2 billion market cap. High Margins/Low costs. Aurora will prevail. 600% gains incoming within 2 years. Book it.


01/08/20 7:56 PM

#60750 RE: Hippd #60748

I've been a shareholder for some time and you say they're not going through a difficult time.. It's more than Bashers and media stating this.. Aurora balance sheet is absolutely terrible it's in a pinch for cash and don't get me wrong.. I've been holding here for some time and when opportunity presents itself.. I may add to my position Some more.. Butt if you say that having cash problems.. Diluting shareholders and management missing guidance on earnings reports , and Mr. Battley stated the company will be cash flow positive and going on the Midas letter stating that the company will be more valuable in six months.. Than it was at the time that he did the video.. Only to see Aurora share price fall from $9 to a dollar in change.. Which none of this came to be true.. Aurora's being sued for misleading investors and nobody has missled them more than Aurora's management.. Just because you say the company is in the best shape it's ever been doesn't make it so... Aurora management it's going to have to regain shareholders Trust because they have lost it.. Because they didn't deliver.. and upper management selling a hundred thousand Aurora shares when Aurora share price is at its peak for almost a million Canadian.. Doesn't provide a whole lot of trust... so you may think what you like but I deal in facts..


01/08/20 7:57 PM

#60751 RE: Hippd #60748

I agree 100%. My original buy was at around $1.60 in the summer of 2017, before most of you youngan were born. :) Let me check, but I am pretty sure Aurora didn't have 98 or even 67 million in revenue per quarter back then. Probably, most of their facilities were not even built. Probably, they hadn't established partnerships in 25 countries either. My guess is that their per gram costs were far higher than 85 cents in the summer of 2017. Oh, and how many stores did they have open back then? The list could go on and on.

Clearly, I made a big mistake by expecting sanity to reign in the market.

I sold most of my shares when support broke around $5.80 in August. I bought U.S. companies, but as the PPS of ACB and the other big Canadian LP's were driven down further and further, I sold the U.S. stocks and started buying calls. Too soon as it turns out. But I have kept buying, especially at crescendo lows. Who knows? Maybe some of you are right and this will go to $1.00... but I seriously doubt it. I feel the turn coming. Maybe it's just the fish I had for dinner... but seriously, here I am again, calling the bottom.

If I held my shares from $5.80, I would need the PPS to go back up to $5.80, or 327%. Now, I will be even with ACB at around $3.50.

My suggestion for you pessimists. Hedge your bets and get some 2022 $2 calls